Any Home Bakers Here?


I'm going to tell you a story. So are you sitting comfortably. :) Then I shall begin...

1: Bread

Once upon a time. There was a very old lady :oldwho for hundreds of years since being a little girl had been trying to bake a loaf bread.

Years had passed by she was very tired 😴 by now when suddenly by chance she met this kind courageous, king of bread called Ron, he said fear not old girl I will help you.

3: Historical Wheat

King of the bread told her a wonderful story of a wheat that was found which was many of thousands of years old but still survived.

Her whole life through many attempts at bread making she felt she could never succeed but now finally she had a glimmer of hope. 🙏

2: Sourdough

Then after some weeks of them chatting he told her she to could create this magical wonder called sourdough, made with only flour water, time and patience.

3: Failed :hit

She failed yet again, and thought all was lost until lady Aria 😇 stepped in late one night and helped her to create another magical sourdough, and this time it grew and grew.

4: Success :thumbsup :ya

At last the old girl managed to bake her loaf after so many hundreds of years making everyone so joyous :ya:clap:wee:wee

They all lived happily ever after

I was very happy to help!

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