Any Home Bakers Here?




We are DONE! One nice predator proof run and coop!

I will build the nesting box and expand the run when they get bigger, maybe in about 5 weeks. For now, I needed to get them out of the basement brooder.
I also finally figured out something.

I originally ordered eight chicks, and the hatchery included five extra, and I’m pretty sure they are straight run and not all roosters. None of them are behaving like roosters, but I could be wrong.

Anyway, today I was finally able to identify the breeds of the extra five.

They are as follows:
1 Rhode Island Red
1 Barred Plymouth Rock
1 Buff Orpington
1 Austra White
1 Golden Sex Link
I also finally figured out something.

I originally ordered eight chicks, and the hatchery included five extra, and I’m pretty sure they are straight run and not all roosters. None of them are behaving like roosters, but I could be wrong.

Anyway, today I was finally able to identify the breeds of the extra five.

They are as follows:
1 Rhode Island Red
1 Barred Plymouth Rock
1 Buff Orpington
1 Austra White
1 Golden Sex Link
Sex link is cockerel?

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