That's @cmom . Lots of pics here:Foxes are disease vectors, so that is another reason the dept wildlife/rehabbers don’t want to relocate. Foxes are not endangered either, so killing then isn’t causing population/genetics issues. However, in your quest to allow them to coexist, your best bet may be electric fencing strong enough to really zap any foxes good and distinctly that they teach their young to avoid the chicken area. There is a BYC poster in Fl, who had many losses and issues with coyotes and foxes. They moved to large outdoor pens, electric fences, overhead netting, and concrete under the gates (easiest dig point). They also have cameras. They have posted quite a few night photos of these predators no longer coming near the pens, and with young sometimes too-and the young don’t investigate the pens bc they’ve been taught not to mess with those painful (zap!) chickens. Maybe they've recently posted in predator forum under the game cam thread bc I’ve seen their pics there.
Good luck.[thread]=438535&c[users]=cmom&o=relevance