Any possibility this is a pullet? Pretty please...

Yes, that was what I was going on - hard to describe, but the females have different patterning than the males do (unless they are solid colored
Check out the feathers right before the tail starts (saddle feathers). If the tips of the feathers are rounded, it's a pullet. If they come to a point, then it is a cockeral. This works for all breeds of chickens to the best of my knowledge. You may want to check birds that you know the sex of first to see the difference. Once you do that, you will be able to sex anything that has a good start on feathering.
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Here are pics of the EE hen I mentioned when she was about 6 weeks.




For contrast, here is my EE roo at the same age. See how pronounced and red the comb already is?



Not to mention the sleepy stinkeye he's giving me in the first pic!

Hope those help a bit.
Wow, that's a tough one. I say, all things considered, that you've got a pullet, Mary. 3 rows of peas doesn't always work.....but, look how thin the legs are. Typically, cockerels will have much thicker legs.

It's hard to tell how much pink there is in the comb by the pics, but I WILL say if it's turning read already, it probably is a cockerel.

When I look at the overall picture of it, it looks like a pullet to me. This is a fun one! (Probably not to YOU, though!)

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