Any success stories on mixing your chooks with vermin chasing dogs?


In the Brooder
Nov 3, 2015
Hey everybody!

I'm new here and I LOVE this site. You all have helped me so much while getting my first little flock of backyard chooks. My girls are all wonderful and have managed to get along fairly well with a very quick pecking order incident that was hard to just let happen.... but anyways!

We have dogs, three dogs, all terriers. Two Jack Russells (my landlords) and our border terrier (Ozzy - we're American in Australia and super creative hehe). While I was carrying my daughter I worked on some farms and Ozzy came along and he was fine with chickens while they were in the pen but would chase them out of the pen. We've been training him by bringing him in the fenced off area we have for our chickens with his lead on and giving him treats when he responds well to us telling him to "leave it", and when he just lays around not caring much about them. So far he seems to be doing really well. But we have two little chooks, about 7 weeks old, and I'm more nervous for them than any of the others if we decide to let Ozzy have a chance at proving himself. I don't know if I'll even try it until they are a bit bigger. But we have a really decent yard for living in city suburbs and want our chickens to have free range of the whole thing! They do have a good chunk, very sufficient, but who wants to climb over a fence all the time? Plus that fencing could be used to keep the chickens out of the gardens.

Does anybody have any success with training their dogs to coexist with their chickens (who initially wanted to eat them)?
I have a pit bull that initially wanted to eat my chickens. When I brought the chicks home I spent time everyday putting the chicks on her and telling her to leave it. It took some work and the first time I let her outside with the birds unleashed when they were older, I told myself that she may get one... but she didnt bother them. Infact, in the summer all the animals sun bathe together out side. It is one big pack. It took time but it was so worth it. My girls free range and my pit will protect them from preditors.
I have a pit bull that initially wanted to eat my chickens. When I brought the chicks home I spent time everyday putting the chicks on her and telling her to leave it. It took some work and the first time I let her outside with the birds unleashed when they were older, I told myself that she may get one... but she didnt bother them. Infact, in the summer all the animals sun bathe together out side. It is one big pack. It took time but it was so worth it. My girls free range and my pit will protect them from preditors.
Wow, that's some great luck!
Linda is my Mum's name! Haha. How long did you train your pitbull before you let her go out in the yard with them free? So good to hear that somebody has a success story on it.
I got them at a day old and would do supervised visits until they were 8 weeks old and we put them outside... then for one day I used a leash and then the next day I just let her loose with them without a leash... All peace since then... She will still kill a squirrel if given a chance though.
Linda is my Mum's name! Haha. How long did you train your pitbull before you let her go out in the yard with them free? So good to hear that somebody has a success story on it.
I'm pretty sure I could put my dog in with my chickens. She half Jack, and half chihuahua. She has a Jack body, and a beaner brain. The only thing she gets excited about are mice and pack rats.
While walking around with her, I've seen her almost T-boned by a running rabbit several times, and she couldn't care any less.

She hasn't shown any interest in the chickens since I brought them home to roost.

P.S. She's also dumber than 2 bags of hammers.

PPS don't get me started on this furry retard kid.

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