Anyone else a huge nerd about a random thing(s) other then chickens???

Wish I could join, but chickens are pretty much it🤣 I do have an extreme interest in dog training though. I’m currently perfecting my competition obedience style heel with my dog. He does many other things like taking my dirty clothes to the basket, taking trash to the can, fetching various objects and snoozing my alarm clock in the morning (my favorite🤣) does that count?
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Wish I could join, but chickens are pretty much it🤣 I do have an extreme interest in dog training though. I’m currently perfect my competition obedience style heel with my dog. He does many other things like taking my dirty clothes to the basket, taking trash to the can, fetching various objects and snoozing my alarm clock in the morning (my favorite🤣) does that count?
How about a pic of this canine paragon? And good job, btw! :highfive:
How about a pic of this canine paragon? And good job, btw! :highfive:
Various N64 era video games, the process of raising caterpillars to butterflies/moths, and I collect a lot of Dungeons and Dragons stuff due to playing in some long term campaigns. I also love helping people with basic phone/computer stuff and... well, I'm not an expert but I love using spreadsheets, hahaha. Like, Excel has to be the best computer program/application of all time. 😆

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