anyone going to watch the leonid/geminid meteor shower tonight?

awww tell her you will clean something or pull weeds from the garden or mow or clean the coop out lol ANYTHING

and rainbows may come from rain but the the leprechauns make it happen lol

I have a chemistry class tomorrow

You can also tell her that it's educational
We are wide open and clear here... deep enough in the country no city lights to wreck it! Going to try to video some of it if its good... going to take a nap and then get up at 1am and start a fire to watch it and keep warm.
Rats! It's the dark of the moon and would be perfect for meteor watching, but we're deep in cloud cover, with four forecasted days and nights of rain. This is a marvelous show, one we've enjoyed watching other years. If you get to watch them tonight, pick out a good one for me and say, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...that one was the best!" ~G
Cold and clear here. I went out for about ten minutes and saw a couple too. Nothing too spectacular yet, but more than you'd see in ten minutes on a regular night.
If I wake up at 2 AM, I'll go out and freeze my hiney off for a few minutes to see if I can see anything... Problem with Phoenix is the light pollution.
Oh phooey, I would love to watch them. But, we're in Western Oregon in November, I'm not sure we'll be able to see stars again until May

I saw a meteor shower years ago, it was amazing.
Come up here than! You and the fam can chill on our deck and watch the show!

I can't wait it is crystal clear here!

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