Anyone got a cure?!?!?!

oh yes... and ODS-n_ENS does give sound advice - if you know you've come into contact with it - get your clothes off an get in the shower and scrub down IMMEDIATELY. You do have a short period of time (I said seconds in my first post... but I think it's like 2 minutes of whatever) before it bonds. If you can shower immediately, it minimizes your exposure.
I would go to the Dr. I am highly sensitive to both poison oak and ivy. I can breath it in when someone cuts it down and get it BAD!! Fortunately as I now live in NM, I grew up in SW VA, it hasn't been an issue for me for years. The last time I had it I had it BAD. The blisters were HUGE. They were about the size of quarters and about 1/2 inch tall. I had in on the backs of my legs in clusters the size of dessert plates. I was 17 and a size 3 at the time so we are talking about MAJOR portions of my legs. I had to go to the doctor about it and they prescribed a type of steroid cream that took it away quick. I do not remember the name of it though as it has been a long time ago but it's worth asking your Dr. about. Hopefully you will get some relief!
If you are really suffering, I agree with Lucky Ducky. The doctor can help provide relief... usually with an antihistimine injection, which might be worth it if it's really bad.
Washing off the oil does in fact help. Once you have it , it does have to run it's course but part of it's "course" is more weeping of the oils, that weeping is how it gets spread to other parts of your body. Drying it out and getting rid of the excess residue keeps it isolated and you'll get rid of it faster and not keep reinfecting areas where you start all over with it. It also affects many people differently. For me, I gotten it so many times now I'm immune to it, I can roll in it and not get it, my bf will get it every time he's within a couple feet of it and my dogs give it to him constantly. I've never heard of the hydrogen peroxide concoction for poison oak/ivy but that same formula is used to get rid of skunk smell hehehee Once you have it, it has to run it's course but there are things that lessen the severity and spreading of it.

If it gets really bad, definitely go to the doctor, I've known of people that had it in their throats before .. it can spread fast and furious, try to dry it out and stop the spreading first and foremost.

Good luck!

LMAO i put vinegar on it LOL now i stiiiiink!
i feel bad for everyone i see today
it's not true about weeping the oils... think about it... you got some on your skin and then you got a rash. Do you think that you made more of the oil in your own body and suddenly you have so much in you that it comes weeping back out? The weeping is just white blood cells and serum weeping from the rash as your body tries to fight off the substance. Once it's bonded, it's stuck there. It doesn't move. now, there are exceptions... before it is fully bonded, you can rub it from one body part to another. That's one way it spreads. Also, if you get it in an open wound, it can get in the blood stream and cause a systemic reaction and more rash can pop up elsewhere. But, the weeping is not the oils. Read up on it. That is not possible.
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I have to go to the doctor's office and get a steroid shot and pills, not fun but the itching stops in about 2 days.

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