Anyone have pictures of a 4 by 8 coop?

This is actually a 4X6 coop, but elevated off the ground for extra run area underneath, and tall inside for a double row of roosts and two elevated nest boxes to free up all the floor. One entire end wall swings open for easy access to clean/feed/water. And I recommend a run tall enough for you! Have fun the possiblities are endless and this site is so helpful


Love your set-up. I too am going to use an unused 6' H movable dog run on the side of my coop for a run.

How did you attach the hardware cloth to the bottom of the run?

I do plan to cover with netting or something because I do have hawks. My question is: Should I use something sturdier than netting? Do coons climb wire fencing? I do plan to keep the girls in at night.

Thank you. Loving all the photos and ideas.

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