Anyone know how to run off an armadillo?


Sep 22, 2023
North Central Florida
Haven’t noticed that it has tried to get into coops or nesting boxes, but the friggin’ holes all over the pasture are getting bad.
I’m pretty sure they eat grubs and worms, so not concerned overly much about the flock, just want to get the nocturnal jerk to find a different pasture.
they will likely move on the weather warms up. they're likely searching for larvae, which will transition to beetles etc in warmer months. you could try predator urine around the perimeter (coyote etc) is the one I've seen folks use to keep deer away, maybe it will work?
We are pretty sure it has taken up residence under our shed, so don’t know how to get it out of the yard. Predator urine might work if we can get it outside the perimeter of the fence to keep it from coming back.

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