Anyway to tell the age of my hen?????

Annmarie G

Sep 16, 2016
Just got my first two hens about 2 weeks ago and I sadly found 1 dead yesterday. Neither had laid any eggs for me. I believe maybe they are done laying eggs either for the season or because they are older. I live in SoFlo and it is still hot and sunny. My last standing hen does not seem to be molting either from what I can tell. She eats and forages and seems to be healthy.

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I see your posting another thread..
Lock her in her coop and run so she knows that is home...Chickens can be as simple or as hard as you want them to be...?

You said you researched Chicken keeping...Try and follow even half of what you read and the hen will lay eggs for you...

Best of luck...Cheers!
She certainly looks like she's molting. She's likely over 18 months old, but no way to tell just how much over. She'll start laying again once the days start to get longer. If she's a 5 to 6 eggs a week layer, she's probably 2 to 3. If she only lays 3 to 4 or less a week, she's probably over 3.

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