April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

I candled my eggs in my incubator last night, day 13, couldn't wait another day, kids wanted to see! Out of 38 eggs set 5 were infertile and 2 were quiters, had red rings and no development, so I have 31 eggs developing in the incubator, 1 of those has an air sac that is on the wrong end, I hope it hatches. I had 1 last hatch that had a air sac at wrong end and it hatched fine, so I am keeping my fingers crossed! We also candled the 4 eggs under my broody banty and 1 was infertile and the others are developing so she is doing her job. The worst part about hatching is waiting! I am an impatient person to begin with LOL!!!!! Hatchday for incubator is the 11th and hatchday for broody is the 18th
Congrats to those whom have new babies and Keeping my fingers crossed for those with impending babies!!!!!
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I candled my eggs in my incubator last night, day 13, couldn't wait another day, kids wanted to see! Out of 38 eggs set 5 were infertile and 2 were quiters, had red rings and no development, so I have 31 eggs developing in the incubator, 1 of those has an air sac that is on the wrong end, I hope it hatches. I had 1 last hatch that had a air sac at wrong end and it hatched fine, so I am keeping my fingers crossed! We also candled the 4 eggs under my broody banty and 1 was infertile and the others are developing so she is doing her job. The worst part about hatching is waiting! I am an impatient person to begin with LOL!!!!! Hatchday for incubator is the 11th and hatchday for broody is the 18th Congrats to those whom have new babies and Keeping my fingers crossed for those with impending babies!!!!!
Im very patient and i still find it impossible, my hatch date isn't until the 15th :( pekin chicks :) with frizzle gene
You must have some really brave or plain stupid coyotes in GA. With you keeping danes and all. My danes are awesome as livestick guardian dogs. I haven't lost a bird to a hawk since we got Beau.

Since Beau (fawn male) got over 80lbs hawks don't even fly over if hes outside and Belle (BlueMerle Female) can claim 8 coons in her life. Coyotes are alot sneekier critters but Belle gave one a run for its life last winter when the varmit decided the creek behind the house had the makings of a cozy den. She was very proud of protecting her territory too when she came back she did the kick dirt behind her thing dogs do. Haven't seen a coyote except for on my trail camera since. I lost 4 brooding SLW hens in three days 2 years ago around this time of years to coons so now Belle and I try to put a dent in the varmit population throughout winter. Beau isn't gun shy hes just too much of a loverboy for all the barking and snarling that goes along with hunting coons so if he smells a coon on the creek he walks home and sits on the porch until we get back. Hes such a baby. No worries about the broodies at night around here this year.
HAHA :) No the cyotes do not come close to our house! but I still think that in the back of my mind as I fall asleep! I have high anxyity levels
We actuall have only had 2 chickens ever fall prey to predation from a wild animal and they were big fat cornish crosses that were mislabled when I bought them.... and they wandered WAY out to behind the pond.... when they disapeared the geese kept all poultry from going down to the pond for almost 6 weeks!!!!! that was last spring... they do still go down there briefly now but stay on the house side of it :):) where the Danes can keep an eye on them
To those who have had devastating hatches in the past... what is the biggest lesson you learned from it? And what's the best advice you would give other new hatchers?

Sorry for your bad hatches!!! Hope this one goes MUCH better!
Simple - learn from others. Read, read and read some more. Take in everyone's opinions, filter through for facts, then it's trial and error and biting nails from there. My first hatch I got 3 out of 24. My second hatch, I got 16 our of 18 and the difference was - READING! So worth it. I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda person, hence the failed first hatch, but there are times it really pays to sit down, take a deep breath and do your homework first!
Those eggs are absolutely lovely! Pretty picture.
That's so disappointing! I'm sorry. Where did you get the eggs?
Ordered from a guy in Texas. Still hoping I am somehow wrong and a couple hatch against all odds. Some I know are quite clear though! in fact the majority of them so definately not happy with the purchase! sigh....
Happy first time incubator here. Just candled at 7 days, 36 shipped eggs ... Drumroll ... Only one looked bad with a blood ring. All others were veining nicely, air sacs growing, looks like eyes and movement too! Holy Toledo. I am amazed. And in a LG Still Air!
NICE hope things keep going well. I am a still air person myself had good luck in the past. Just not seeming to this time.
Hapy hatching
Question...How long are eggs good at room temp before they should be tossed? I'm asking regarding eating them? I have been collecting silkie eggs for hatching but have some that are a few days older than I want to try hatching and I am wondering if they should go into the trash or if they are still okay to eat. They are 9 & 10 days old. I collect everyday and sometimes if I am busy it will be a couple of days until I get them all into cartons and in the fridge (for our consumption- I store the hatching eggs in the basement where it is cooler) and I know that is fine but I'm guessing 10 days is quite a stretch. If I have to throw them out anyway, I may stick them under a broody and see what happens so they aren't a total waste, but I don't want to tie up my incubators with them when I have an abundance of fresher ones. Any advice on the subject would be greatly appreciated.
Yep... they are good for 4 weeks... I gennerelly hard boil them after week 2 as then they are sooooooo easy to peel, the whole skin just slips off with a tug!!! I often will find a hidden nest full of eggs and have no idea how long they have been there.... and I do the water test on them... flat on the bottem very fresh ... touching the bottem with only one end, perfect for boiling, in the center of the water (not floating but not on the bottem either) these are in transistion and when cracked do not have a bad oder but I do not trust them and I will sramble them very well and feed them to the animals ..... floating on top, toss out, floating high on top of the water toss out fast, and carfully! these can explode
I think I am going to buy 2 more incubators so I can keep my eggs going all the time, I would like to build one but I would hate to do anything to mess up the incubating and hatching. I hate to think any of my chicks were going to suffer. I am excited of all the prospects that this will bring...oh I wish my silkies and other polish were already laying! I went out and checked on them earlier and they are so cute and getting big! I am so anxious to see them full grown-I do enjoy having babies but they are so much fun when they are able to get on by themselves for the first time. It is so funny watching them digging in the dirt and finding a worm for the first time...when they lay their first egg-thinking what just happened.

well the weather has been better than they said...supposed to have rained all day but just barely a sprinkle. For the next 5 days it's supposed to be well over 70...40-50 at night. I am so thrilled that spring is fighting to hold onto the season. this is truly my most favorite time of the year...watching everything bloom, grow, and all the new babies. Mmmmm I just the feeling I get at this time of year...

I think I am going to buy 2 more incubators so I can keep my eggs going all the time, I would like to build one but I would hate to do anything to mess up the incubating and hatching. I hate to think any of my chicks were going to suffer. I am excited of all the prospects that this will bring...oh I wish my silkies and other polish were already laying! I went out and checked on them earlier and they are so cute and getting big! I am so anxious to see them full grown-I do enjoy having babies but they are so much fun when they are able to get on by themselves for the first time. It is so funny watching them digging in the dirt and finding a worm for the first time...when they lay their first egg-thinking what just happened.

well the weather has been better than they said...supposed to have rained all day but just barely a sprinkle. For the next 5 days it's supposed to be well over 70...40-50 at night. I am so thrilled that spring is fighting to hold onto the season. this is truly my most favorite time of the year...watching everything bloom, grow, and all the new babies. Mmmmm I just the feeling I get at this time of year...


I thought the same thing when I built my first coolerbator. I ran that thing for 2 weeks straight before I put eggs in it. I have been on hatching threads since last July and see all the problems people have with keeping temp and humidity levels correct. I can tell you that my cooler bators have been running at least 4-5 times a month and never once have I had any problems. It has gotten to the point that after each hatch I clean them out, plug them back in, add water ( I even have that down to where I know just how much to add) and within 15 minutes they are running at the correct temp and humidity and they stay that way. The only thing I ever have to do during hatching is add a little more water once the first pip happens to bring the humidity up a little.

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