Araucana thread anyone?

I wondered if it could be a problem with toxins in the feed. So my first move was to immediate changed the feed. My next guess is an inner ear problem created by tufts, since Araucanas do have some breed problems related to tufts. I have no idea how this chick could have injured itself but anything is possible.

Thanks for the advice on Mareks remedies, Lanae. I appreciate it. .
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What feed company? You can PM me if you don't want the rumor public... THANKS! I had a weird unexplained issue with some chicks as soon as they were on feed. Only some of them, but still...

I understand one of the leading feed companies may be having a bit of a problem with toxins in their feed. At least there a rumor. My first move was to immediate changed the feed. My next guess is an inner ear problem created by tufts, since Araucanas do have some breed problems related to tufts. I have no idea how this chick could have injured itself but anything is possible.

Thanks for the advice on Mareks remedies, Lanae. I appreciate it. .
Hope this helps

That second chick looks a lot like mine. Can you tell from these pics?
Left side

Right side:

And it looks like it's got a little fan of feathers on it's rear

I can see the peduncle but can't see a tuft growing. So if this little one doesn't have tufts and isn't rumpless then is it an Araucana?

Thank you so much for your help
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Right side:

And it looks like it's got a little fan of feathers on it's rear

I can see the peduncle but can't see a tuft growing. So if this little one doesn't have tufts and isn't rumpless then is it an Araucana?

Thank you so much for your help

Your little chickie is definitely tufted, on the right side. Looks like you're right in that a tail is growing, though. You can tell if they are rumpless the day they hatch by rubbing your finger over their bottom. A tailed chick will have a noticable 'bump' of the tailbone. But a rumpless chick will have none. It is easier to learn the difference when you have both tailed and rumpless chicks to check at the same time.
I have some 2 month old Araucana and some more eggs in the incubator. I would expect that very late summer/early fall is when they would begin to lay eggs (correct me if I'm wrong). My question is this: When could I expect to have hens go broody and raise babies of their own? I am afraid you are going to all tell me I have to wait a year until next spring. Do they ever go broody in Fall? Your insight on Araucana broodyness and broody patterns is much appreciated!
I wish araucana would wait to go broody but some don't. I have hens who have never gone broody and I have a pullet that is 5 months old, laid 1 egg and has now been broody for 2 weeks. I kick her out of the nest box, she growls, gets huffy and goes back.

I now have 3 broodys and quite a few egg orders to fill. Kinda hard with 3 hens down.

I wish araucana would wait to go broody but some don't. I have hens who have never gone broody and I have a pullet that is 5 months old, laid 1 egg and has now been broody for 2 weeks. I kick her out of the nest box, she growls, gets huffy and goes back.

I now have 3 broodys and quite a few egg orders to fill. Kinda hard with 3 hens down.


Our white hen that we got from you has been broody for two weeks. Sitting on I am unsure what to do with that. Should I let her set eggs? I have changed her pen and she beats up all I put her with....uggghhh suggestions please.
Please please please tell me this is a BBR. I have only hatched maybe 1 out of 80 this color. Very mahogany in coloration. Even has an extra toe.

My BBR was all darkish yellow, not striped whatsoever. My striped baby is a duckwing, but it wasn't as dark as yours.
I wish araucana would wait to go broody but some don't. I have hens who have never gone broody and I have a pullet that is 5 months old, laid 1 egg and has now been broody for 2 weeks. I kick her out of the nest box, she growls, gets huffy and goes back.

I now have 3 broodys and quite a few egg orders to fill. Kinda hard with 3 hens down.

In my case I just want my kids to be able to see that chicks come from mommy's, not incubators! I want them to see a little head poke out from under a hen at least once. So if they go broody towards the Fall, and the rooster is fertile and doing his job correctly, does that mean that even at less than a year old they can have chicks? For instance, your 5 month old that is trying to sit on that 1 egg, do you think it would hatch if you let her? Sorry - newbie questions, I know. I always assumed that spring was the only time successful broody hatches happened, I don't know why.

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