Araucana thread anyone?

To : Smoothmule - thank you so much for your welcome.

I enjoyed very much your reply and you certainly take great care of all your animals / pets. I am sure they are more pets to you than anything else, and you love them. I am not set up to turn lights on and off - and would never consider such a thing, even if I could afford it. My hens live in their coops during the night and are allowed out to scratch and forage from about 10 am until early evening - which in Australia at present with daylight saving time is around 7 pm. They get a variety of daily treats. 3 times a week, a chicken mix of grains - wheat, sunflower seeds, dried grass, millet in season etc. etc. . ( out of which I laboriously remove the hard corn kernels as I've read corn kernels are not good for them - nothing wrong with me !!
) Am deliriously happy if I get an egg a day from the chickens who are laying at present as they have been in a heavy moult in recent weeks and are still only quite young. Other treats ( daily something ) are water melon which they absolutely adore, good greens from the kitchen - I grate things like zucchini and apple ( no seeds ), and chop up finely any cabbage, lettuce, broccoli etc., crumble breads. Occasionally I hang a birds netting bag of greens that they can pick at, when they remain in their coops because of heavy rain.

My girls ( no roosters - I don't want to raise chicks ) .... are wormed every 6 weeks while young - but will probably back off to once every 4 months when they are fully mature ..... or if I see any signs of worms which are easily detected.

And YES, I have one Araucana - a sweet cuddly little chicken - one of the two younger hens ( or chooks as we call them here ). I will insert an image of her [ Mindy ] and her little mate Moppitt, the Silkie at the bottom here. We don't have the Ameraucana here, that I know of. Ours are different as you will see, with a crested top and good upright tail, and Mindy has some splashes of colour - light tan, throughout her feathers, which I think is referred to as 'cuckoo' or 'brandy' coloured ? Not sure about that. Neither of the two littlies are laying yet - a bit too young to expect that from them. The Silkie is not especially cuddly at all - and I was told she'd be the one looking for petting and close encounters with humans. She stands up for herself too ... unlike Mindy who is very submissive. One of my older girls is a bit mean, so I keep her away from the two littlies - as she tends to want to at least harm them, if not outright murder the poor little souls. But she's ok with the other two older birds, who are as big as she is, and stand up to her. She doesn't mess with them - for sure. I am currently picking her up once a day and giving her a cuddle - hoping !! it will soften her up a bit, but I doubt things work quite that way ... LOL. She will ultimately ( if necessary ) be a mostly caged bird - with a few outings a week in a small run, as the remaining two older birds get along nicely with the smaller light coloured youngsters. At present I have two large separate runs.

Oh how I wish I could have an Arabian mare - an Arabian anything would do. They are wonderful, very beautiful and so intelligent, but we only have a small property. I miss my riding, but am now too old and arthritic to sit astride a horse. It's enough with 5 chooks, a 4 month old Golden Retriever puppy called Miss Ruby who loves the 'girls' but is not allowed in with them ... they come over to the fence and are very fond of her. And a 17 year old cat, Felix. He's priceless for his age, and has never not had a dog for company, except for a year after we lost our precious GR - Gracie, so he just loves to 'play' with Miss Ruby. Tends to take a running charge at the chickens though !!!

Must get some better photographs of the other 3 and post them some time. And I agree with you, this site is absolutely full of such interesting articles and there is much to learn.

Here's a photograph of Mindy and Moppitt ... they were only about 11 weeks old when this was taken.

All the best, and have a great week.

Regards, Anniebee.
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Today was a beautiful, sunny
day here in Southwest Washington State. We actually hit 50 degrees

Here are some pictures of my cockerel Rudy and one of Rudy and my pullet, Opal.

SOON spring will be here!


Vickie et al
Kelso, Washington
Could any of you post a few pics of your full grown araucanas, I have two and they both lay but I was wondering if they are full grown?? And boy is one of my little araucana girl a tough one! She has been attacked by a hawk and a dog, and she came out of both with only a few lost feathers. Outrun the dog and fought the hawk and injured it, then i ran at it and it flew away! She is truly a hero
Here are some of my boys

Too funny! I have a rooster named Rudy too. He's the old man around here.

This cockerel I haven't named yet

Un-named yet cockerel

I have more boys but these are the most recent photo's
How are your Araucana hens these days? I'm wondering if you might know of someone with regular-sized Araucana hens...not bantams...I only wanted two true blue egg layers to join my other six lovely hens...two of which are Easter-Eggers laying green eggs.
and the araucana thread.

You do know they are a smaller breed of chicken, even "large breed" araucana are still on the small side.
Here are some of my boys

Too funny! I have a rooster named Rudy too. He's the old man around here.

Your Rudy is gorgeous - that color that he and my Rudy have is just breathtaking to me.

My Rudy started out as Ruby. I am glad I got an "extra" cockerel. My other one (with no tail) flew over our fence and "attacked" our neighbor's dog. Well, he did not win
The neighbor felt bad but he was on their property. I did not realize these cockerels were so feisty This one I have left is constantly fighting with the older LF girls around here and he is maybe 1/3 their size - keeping in mind I have huge chickens. I thought later on I might be able to put the Easter Eggers with him. Ha! They see him and they instantly go after him with their hackle feathers up. At least he gets along with my Araucana pullet, Opal and the two Aussie pullets he has been raised with. I am going to get 4 Araucana pullets in May. I sure hope he is nicer to them than the rest of my flock. Little Devil .

Vickie et al
Kelso, WA
Could any of you post a few pics of your full grown araucanas, I have two and they both lay but I was wondering if they are full grown?? And boy is one of my little araucana girl a tough one! She has been attacked by a hawk and a dog, and she came out of both with only a few lost feathers. Outrun the dog and fought the hawk and injured it, then i ran at it and it flew away! She is truly a hero

Here is a picture of my 5 month old Araucana cockerel with 5 month old Australorp pullets (keeping in mind that Australorps get to be huge):


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