Are my suspicions of cancer justifiable


Nov 18, 2023
Hi everyone. I write this post with a heavy heart. I’ve come to suspect my hen might have some kind of cancer related to her reproductive system. She is a 3 year old buff cochin. Here are her symptoms:

- Distended but not hard abdomen for 2 years (no fluid)
- Walks a bit slowly, seems constantly uncomfortable
- Has slowed down in energy
- Poops small green poop without consumption of vegetables
- Has not laid eggs in a month or two
- Comb is still red
- Sits in one place often

She eats and drinks normally.

I can get her a suproloin injection. Are my suspicions correct? Thank you for reading.
Hi everyone. I write this post with a heavy heart. I’ve come to suspect my hen might have some kind of cancer related to her reproductive system. She is a 3 year old buff cochin. Here are her symptoms:

- Distended but not hard abdomen for 2 years (no fluid)
- Walks a bit slowly, seems constantly uncomfortable
- Has slowed down in energy
- Poops small green poop without consumption of vegetables
- Has not laid eggs in a month or two
- Comb is still red
- Sits in one place often

She eats and drinks normally.

I can get her a suproloin injection. Are my suspicions correct? Thank you for reading.
Your vet should be able to help confirm your suspicions.
If she's able to get around, then I'd let her do her normal thing.

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