Argh!! Still no rhea chick on day 39 but movement and still growth of the air cell!? Reply ASAP plea

The hen breeder

In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 20, 2012
So it's day 39 of the rhea incubation and the air cell has grown by about half a centimetre since due day (36), but still no pipping of the membrane or chirping. I can also see movement within the egg when I turn the egg around. What should I do? Should I open the egg and help the chick out??
no don't help chick

is your incubator temp correct as I suspect its too low and that's why the hatch is delayed as you say chick inside is still alive

don't help it no matter how much you want to

it needs to pip even before you can consider anything
make sure the huminty is set right you may need to put some water in there good luck
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no don't help chick

is your incubator temp correct as I suspect its too low and that's why the hatch is delayed as you say chick inside is still alive

don't help it no matter how much you want to

it needs to pip even before you can consider anything

Not exactly true.. even for regular poultry. Many times ratites do need assistance hatching.. as well as all other types of birds (and yes that is before pipping)

make sure the huminty is set right you may need to put some water in there good luck

ratites are incubated differently than chickens or ducks.. so humidity is of lesser concern with the average home humidity usually being plenty high

Hen Breeder, can you please give us some more details.. incubation temperature, type of bator and so on?

What do you see when you candle? Has the chick internally pipped?

Rheas can take up to 44 days.. so he's not completely late yet

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