Arkansas folks speak up.........

We got slammed with straight line winds yesterday afternoon. There is over 200 feet of power lines laying across my yard as well as huge limbs from a sycamore tree and a black walnut tree. It tore out my chain link fence and I thought killed a bunch of roosters, but they came out from under the debris after about an hour. My husband had to cut down a group of trees so we could worm our way out of here. We had been trapped by limbs and power lines since the wind hit. I think I've lost 5 years of my life span from all of this. The wind was so bad it was pulling the windows open. We invested in a generator this morning so I at least can run my frig and fans now. Somehow through all of this 2 quail hatched in an incubator that was down to 77 degrees. My nerves are absolutely shot! Entergy says they may be out here around midnight tonight, otherwise probably tomorrow.
I'm so sorry ya'll are having trouble. Glad the quail hatched. It's way 2 hot to be without AC for very long. Fingers crossed that the lights come back on soon.
A friends neighbor in lake village had his pontoon boat and trailer flipped upside down, still strapped together. My friend only lost one sheet of tin off his coop, but all of his chickens are ok. We had some wind and a lot of thunder and lightning, and very little rain at our house.
We had strong strong, I stuck the little ones in the hallway for a little while. Electricity was off for hours! Not complaining about the heat...because it was cool after the rain came thru. Windy, AND cool....can't beat the free air.

Coop was intact. No other loss this time. Thank God.
We are ok also - got stuck on the side of the road for a bit but we made it out alright. Didn't get it here at the house.
Roche - let me know when you are ready for some more quail - I will be happy to help you out.
We got slammed with straight line winds yesterday afternoon. There is over 200 feet of power lines laying across my yard as well as huge limbs from a sycamore tree and a black walnut tree. It tore out my chain link fence and I thought killed a bunch of roosters, but they came out from under the debris after about an hour. My husband had to cut down a group of trees so we could worm our way out of here. We had been trapped by limbs and power lines since the wind hit. I think I've lost 5 years of my life span from all of this. The wind was so bad it was pulling the windows open. We invested in a generator this morning so I at least can run my frig and fans now. Somehow through all of this 2 quail hatched in an incubator that was down to 77 degrees.

So glad you guys are ok, and the roosters. What an experience!

I had the same problem several times out here, years ago. We have an open strip through the property behind the house, and the next field over is all open too, so we get some pretty strong straight winds. It's taken the roof right off the barn, and taken down several large oak trees. At least it's always missed the house.​
Oh yeah, I have a pretty Crevecour cockerel for sale. He was supposed to be a she. $10.00 or I might trade for a hen or pullet of a breed I raise. He's very nice and looks like a jet black Sultan, very sharp dressed man! About 4 to 5 months old.
Just wanted to update fellow ARKies....
You can pick tomatoes $3 for a 5 gallon bucket, or purchase their boxes...not sure on that price this year...
my FIL has already been down there picking (Hamburg) he brought home 7 buckets Monday.
It's Triple M Farms....Milo, Arkansas (Hamburg)

Have a great 4th everyone!!

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