Arkansas folks speak up.........

Here are some pics of my new 6 foot run that goes behind and around one side of the barn, to give the chickens on the sunny side of the barn a shady retreat. I still have to cover it with either bird netting or chicken wire, but my pockets are empty at the moment.

This is one entrance. I have one on the other side too.
No grass in this area, because I had to level the ground in this whole area, which about did my back in!

This goes on around the corner to the other side and shows a little more grass.

Finally, some nice green grass and lots of shade!

Tator Tot is taking a look around. The chicken door isn't quite finished in this shot. It was just wired on. I now have it hinged on a wooden frame with a sturdy latch.
Thanks Julie, I'd love to get more like her. My male is a Mille Fleur. You can breed them together, and the F2 generation will be Mille I believe, but I'd rather have a Golden Neck male to breed her too. Maybe some day. I have too many chickens right now to get more breeds.

Insiderart, I'm just glad he's ok now. I was really worried, and it was the middle of the night....of course!
Glad your pup is ok too! My little weiner dog took on a snake once and she swelled up exactly like that. Lucky dogs have some sort of slight immunity to the venom cause otherwise they'd be goners!

Hehe the snake on the spatula didn't phase me as how close that snake is to your legs! I could no more pick that snake up dead or alive! But the best haha of all is that it's so dead, it's tongue is hanging out.
Haha, those are my daughter's legs, but I'm with you. I used to be pretty easy going around snakes, but after the past few weeks, I've gotten a bad case of the hebby jebbies!

My weiner dog (Dixie above in the tub) got bit a while back too. Only one side of her face swelled up. She actually did better than Biff. He must have gotten bit on the neck to react like that.
When I was growing up we had a beagle/cocker mix who would get bitten several times a summer. He would go down to the pond and chase the water moccasins, get bitten, lay around for a few days, and then start the cycle over. Like he had some sort of personal vendetta against the snakes at the pond.
Do you know what kind of mix he is? He looks just like my Frankenstein. I don't know what he is. I got him at Adoption Day at Petsmart in Texarkana.

No, not for sure. He came up after a storm when he was still just a BIG pup. He wouldn't leave and kept chasing the chickens for fun. He slept on our doorstep for a week, and even growled at strangers that came to the door. HE adopted us. I was told by my neighbor that she knew where he came from, the man down the road about half a mile. I tried to take him home, but the man didn't answer the door, even though the tv was on and two cars were in the driveway! I tried one more time, and same deal, wouldn't come to the door. I guess he was glad to see him gone. He also had a mama dog and another pup in the yard, and the pup looked almost just like my guy, so I'm thinking my neighbor was right. I heard from the same neighbor that this man later shot the other dog and the mom and a cat when he was drunk. Stupid sucker! The mom was a lab. My neighbor also said that at least some of the puppies had looked like part pit bull, and that there was a pit living close by, so that was the Dad, but there could have been more than one Dad of the pups, because the other pup in no way looked pit, and I really doubt my dog is either, but could be I guess. Just don't know for sure, but he sounds like a hunting dog to me. The other pup was thinner and I can't imagine it being even a little pit.

Cute pup by the way! I have such a soft spot for mixed breeds. I've had pure breeds and they were gorgeous, but there are so many strays and mixed breeds that need homes that I usually adopt. Glad you did too.​
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No, not for sure. He came up after a storm when he was still just a BIG pup. He wouldn't leave and kept chasing the chickens for fun. He slept on our doorstep for a week, and even growled at strangers that came to the door. HE adopted us. I was told by my neighbor that she knew where he came from, the man down the road about half a mile. I tried to take him home, but the man didn't answer the door, even though the tv was on and two cars were in the driveway! I tried one more time, and same deal, wouldn't come to the door. I guess he was glad to see him gone. He also had a mama dog and another pup in the yard, and the pup looked almost just like my guy, so I'm thinking my neighbor was right. I heard from the same neighbor that this man later shot the other dog and the mom and a cat when he was drunk. Stupid sucker! The mom was a lab. My neighbor also said that at least some of the puppies had looked like part pit bull, and that there was a pit living close by, so that was the Dad, but there could have been more than one Dad of the pups, because the other pup in no way looked pit, and I really doubt my dog is either, but could be I guess. Just don't know for sure, but he sounds like a hunting dog to me. The other pup was thinner and I can't imagine it being even a little pit.

Cute pup by the way! I have such a soft spot for mixed breeds. I've had pure breeds and they were gorgeous, but there are so many strays and mixed breeds that need homes that I usually adopt. Glad you did too.

Franky acts like a lab. I'm guessing he's a lab coon dog mix. He's only 4 months old and still growing. He's about 40 lbs. now. He should be 70 or 80 lbs when full grown. He's sweet like a lab and really playful. He's the first one I've adopted. I've found 8 that I've had to find homes for. 7 of them I got to Memphis and they were wormed and given shots and put on a transport to Rhode Island where their new families were waiting on them. Lots of people up there are looking for puppies and there are too many unwanted ones down here so they get alot of them transported up there and away from kill shelters and stuff down here. Even Adult Dogs. The Rescue is called New England Paws. They are on Maybe someday I'll be able to foster some when I'm home more.

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