Arkansas folks speak up.........

Hi All - Thanks for all of the information.

We found a place purchase chickens from - and will be bringing or new babies home soon.

It's amazing all of our NW Ark Neighbors out there that are chicken enthusiast as well.

Again Thank you
Hello Arkansas! Is there anyone on here that is with the Meet-up group for Arkansas backyard Poultry Meet-up group? I sent in a e-mail recently but have gotten no reply? Pm me and I will give you my E-mail address.

Randy Wilson
I look, but I don't really have anything to say. Just board.
Being in southwest Arkansas you will be pretty close to the Haynesville Louisiana show coming up in November.We are going to take a few birds down there.The people I have talked to say that its a nice show to attend.
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Being in southwest Arkansas you will be pretty close to the Haynesville Louisiana show coming up in November.We are going to take a few birds down there.The people I have talked to say that its a nice show to attend.

I used to go there when I was young. You know, up to no good.
I'll put it on my calendar, thanks. I'm planning on going to the Little Rock show in October. I really want a few show birds to have for next year. Just need a little push to commit myself. Of course it'll be OEGB.
Delaware, Arkansas here....did not know there was even an Arkansas thread!

First time chicken wrangler here and have already a long list of lessons learned. Anyone need a couple of RIR roosters? Also have two mutt roosters. Come to think of it have at least one Barred Rock roo that needs a home!! Bought 29 straight run have 10 hens!! Have processed some, sold four and still have five or six that need homes.

That was the first lesson.....never, ever buy straight run chicks again.....

Anyone from my neck of the woods?

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