Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Yeah gumtree can be a bit ' hit and miss ' . We had a shed clean out a few weeks ago and I'd say for every 5-6 calls we had 1 X person turn up . Sold most of it eventually . With eBay we seem to attract the scammers, most areas have a face book buy and sell now, found that to be a great way to get rid of second hand fridges and furniture. :)

I've just listed the girls bedroom suite on Facebook buy and sell and got some nibbles already. Fingers crossed not as many time wasters, first time trying it.
Nothing to worry about there. She has silkie in the frizzle part of her breeding, mixed with red of the d'uccle comb gives you a plum colour.

Nice looking bird.

Glad to hear that - after my comments about purple combs. Found that information ( purple combs and what it can indicated ) on another BYC thread.

I will just have to stop googling things I think, and shut uppa my face forthwith.


potato chip - -- My apologies for alarming you, even though you say you were not worried. I think if one of my 3 chickens who all have and should have red combs ( pinkish when in moult ), I would be most concerned if their combs turned purple. They are what they are, in breed.

Still and all, perhaps I had best keep my mouth shut in future - and not worry anyone with second hand information.

She is a very pretty hen.


appps and Satay .... so pleased to hear your girls are much better - trust all that will continue on to perfect health for them both.


Fizzybelle - good luck with the worming ... hope that problem passes very quickly.


Anyone ? ..... speaking of buttermilk etc., how to make it ( I use lemon in milk or cream and have used a wee bit of vinegar when no ripe lemons on the tree ) ..... wouldn't yoghurt be suitable ? I can't imagine my girls drinking buttermilk, but they go for the yoghurt in a big way. Always thought yoghurt was a fairly good pro-biotic, for anyone / anything. Maybe I am wrong ??

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potato chip - -- My apologies for alarming you, even though you say you were not worried. I think if one of my 3 chickens who all have and should have red combs ( pinkish when in moult ), I would be most concerned if their combs turned purple. They are what they are, in breed.

Still and all, perhaps I had best keep my mouth shut in future - and not worry anyone with second hand information.

She is a very pretty hen.
No worries, I really wasn't alarmed because I knew she was fine and that nothing had gone awry with her. She's always been that colour, I'd be worried too if any of the "red-heads" turned dark. You confirmed my thought that chickens' combs are mostly pink/red and now I've learnt that not only that silkies have dark ones, but silkies are forebears of frizzles. It's all good, I love learning new things.
Thanks, she is pretty. She looks prettier face on, her little "whiskers" are sweet.
I am pleased to report that Annabelle is feeling much better this afternoon. She's talking again, been stuffing her face and begging for peeled sunflower seeds (yes they are that precious they only eat them peeled), and annoyed Agnes once or twice, all good signs she's feeling more herself. She also passed a poo that looked worm free and looked normal. Stunk to high heaven though. Everyone has been wormed, and I've put in in my tablets calendar when they are next due.

With the buttermilk, how do they handle the lactose? Anything else that will help calm their tummy?
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Glad to hear that - after my comments about purple combs.   Found that information ( purple combs and what it can indicated ) on another BYC thread.   

I will just have to stop googling things I think, and shut uppa my face forthwith.  


potato chip  - --  My apologies for alarming you, even though you say you were not worried.     I think if one of my 3 chickens who all have and should have red combs ( pinkish when in moult ), I would be most concerned if their combs turned purple.   They are what they are, in breed.  

Still and all, perhaps I had best keep my mouth shut in future - and not worry anyone with second hand information.

She is a very pretty hen.   


appps and Satay .... so pleased to hear your girls are much better  -  trust all that will continue on to perfect health for them both.


Fizzybelle - good luck with the worming ... hope that problem passes very quickly.


Anyone ?   ..... speaking of buttermilk etc., how to make it ( I use lemon in milk or cream and have used a wee bit of vinegar when no ripe lemons on the tree ) ..... wouldn't yoghurt be suitable ?   I can't imagine my girls drinking buttermilk, but they go for the yoghurt in a big way.   Always thought yoghurt was a fairly good pro-biotic, for anyone / anything.    Maybe I am wrong ??   :(


I would have to drive 35km to get buttermilk out here hence my use of the home made stuff but i would also use yogurt if that was all i had. For people in the city shop bought buttermilk would not be as hard to get.
Glad to hear that - after my comments about purple combs.   Found that information ( purple combs and what it can indicated ) on another BYC thread.   

I will just have to stop googling things I think, and shut uppa my face forthwith.  



You could have been 100% right there Anni. It was only after seeing the pictures that you could tell either way.
I've done that with cooking but by adding lemon juice. Didn't know you could do vinegar too!

I have only ever used vinegar but i can see how both work as it's the acid which causes the curdle to make butter milk. I always have lemons here too so next time i might give them a go.

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