Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hubby said he took some fried anchovies and rice leftovers for the dogs didn't realise the dogs were tied up as they raid the chook feed so the chooks ate the leftover rice and anchovies lol the dogs get to watch me clean me up

Watch them clean it up is what I mean
Good morning folks

Thank you to those who came over to CityChickenns thread to help out.

Anniebee the temporary fence is only a small one so their breaking out is more of a “I want to explore the rest of our garden” as opposed to “I want to explore the neighbours garden”

Having bantams that fly like rocks, I have never had to clip their wings and any chicks hatched here have taken the lead from their mumma and not crossed the boundaries. Having said that, I will probably have one, one day, who thinks the grass is greener on the other side.

Aaaaw, Miss Ruby sounds like a little sweetie and yes, that is your job, paw holding while peeing!

My gals do not do rain!

chooks01 revenge is a dish best served cold; or in this case, anchovies and rice
Hello there fellow Aussies!
Anyone from the ACT out there? I moved to Canberra this February and have yet to meet another poultry person.
MagicPidge. : ) I don't know of anyone from ACT offhand, but there are bound to be a few folk with chooks. We seem to be spreading everywhere.
Thanks cwrite! I've seen a lot of cattle and some horses pretty close to where I am now so my hopes are still up.
There's gotta be someone out there.
Thanks cwrite! I've seen a lot of cattle and some horses pretty close to where I am now so my hopes are still up.
There's gotta be someone out there.

That sounds promising. Just keep an ear our for the delightful 'egg song'. You might even have a few roosters around if the properties are big enough. Once I started looking, I was amazed by how many people have chickens in my suburb.
That sounds promising. Just keep an ear our for the delightful 'egg song'. You might even have a few roosters around if the properties are big enough. Once I started looking, I was amazed by how many people have chickens in my suburb.
Ah, I used to live in suburban Sydney where one of my neighbours a few blocks down kept a whole flock with at least 2 or 3 roosters. I never figured out how they managed to get away with it, a ranger visited me about my roosters and I had to rehome them unfortunately.

Where I am at the moment seems to be mainly apartment-dominated, though this place is so small once you're 5-10 minutes out it feels like you've left the state and have just entered the wilderness.
I'm not complaining though; it's nice and peaceful.

I'll make sure to keep listening for the egg song (never thought I'd say this but I do miss the racket my chickens used to make)...
Long time no see! Life has bern flat out. And hence i don't have time to read nearly a thousand pages!

Hope everyone is well?

We are mite free! Woohoo but poor black ops and shadow are molting. So 2 eggs a day atm.

Just took some random pics thought I'd share. Apparently my phone doesn't want me to so not this time lol

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