Australians - Where are you all????


How do you post photos? When you click on the "insert images" it makes you upload them. How do you post the ones you've already uploaded?
Ray, you seem to figure these things out fast. Can you help.
Looks like I'm just going to have to keep uploading the photos whenever I want to post them. Good thing there is unlimited uploads

This is the three broodies. They are sharing seven eggs.

And these are some of my new guinea babies.

Sweet! I like the little guineas, they're kinda cute. Any of them got names yet?

I can't figure out the picture thing either, it keeps telling me the URL isn't actually an image.
A hot & muggy hello to Rare Breed Fancier from Aussie Lady,

I DO NOT want to leave my air conditioned bedroom - I just want to live there for the rest of summer !!!! Oli my Pomeranian doesn't want to leave the room either - smart dog.

Thanks for your welcome and response. As you can see from the picture of my sweet adorable Oli, a big YES to clipping him in summer, I also clip him in Autumn as our Winters are quite mild. I let his fir grow over Winter. At the moment while I am typing this message he is lying right under the fan and in front of the entrance door so he can catch a breeze. Unfortunately this breed of dog has a double layer of fir like a "husky" comes from the same family. It's a while yet till I move house, need to finish my studies first however I am sooooo looking forward to it. Even though we live near the water I so prefer to be in the bush/outback.

I think I won't worry about naming my chickens in case they get the "harri karri" especially if they don't lay well. I may get a silky for a pet and this one I will name. I have no plans in getting a rooster or my neighbours will shoot me!! I like the name "dodo". Maybe you can go and teach him to play fetch??? (Ha! Ha!).

I have read on the website that some chickens are vaccinated. Are any of your chickens vaccinated? Do they need to be vaccinated and with what type of medication do they vaccinate with? Do you know?

I just thought I would mention this as I have come across this information on a programme on TV before. Some (hobby) farmers who own sheep have purchased Alpacas or Lamas to be with their herds. You only need a couple for a large majority of sheep. When a predator hovers around the flock, the Alpacas chase it, attack it and scare it away. I though this was incredible, they are better than a sheep dog and when the time comes you can even clip their fir for Alpaca/Lama wool, quite versatile. I don't know how this would go with chickens but it's worth a look into. I wouldn't mind getting an Alpaca or Lama for the fir once I am on property as I have a spinning wheel. Haven't done much lately hopefully I can get a chance after my studies.

Anyway, I hope this information was somewhat helpful.

Till next time,
Meet some of my other animals

Yes, those are tick collars.

Last time they were shawn ( october) we took the fleece to the dump. we have big garbage bags full of it in our shed and just didn't have room for six more bags. It's sad that it's probably cheaper to throw it out then to sell it.
Alpacas are beautiful creatures. They are so gentle and calm and the young ones are very playful. They've all got their own very obvious personalities that are so loving. One of our girls is imported from Peru. She was in quarantine centres for a year. She has had a hard life, had 8 babies since she has been in Australia so probably more in Peru as well. We bought her pregnant and have retired her. She is a tough girl and has come back from being on her death bed numerous times. She is 19. I don't have a picture of her yet, maybe later.
They DO chase dogs but dogs are their biggest predator so they need to be protected from them. We have 6 foot dog wire fenced paddocks for them with electric wire coming out at the bottom of the dog wire on the outside so nothing can dig under the wire. It would probably have been a smart idea to build the chicken area inside the alpacas paddock but we didn't, The coops are beside the paddock. The alpacas alert us of dogs, cats and foxes by all lining up across the fence and watching the intruder. So if we see them doing this then it's time to get down to the chooks quick smart.

*Aussie lady, You wouldn't by any chance want any fleece

Oh and I don't usually sell adult birds, I don't have the room. I'll PM you my website anyway.
BTW, I'm in love with your dog. He is so cute. One of our dogs is a japanese spitz, So has the same kind of hair as Ollie. She is 14 this june. I was liking the idea of replacing her with a pomeranian but thought a dog that was more able to run around our 25 acres would be better, I can't see a pomeranian sitting on the front of a quad and going around checking cows
So yeah, Border collie it is.

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