Australians - Where are you all????

Yeah I guess
My hatch is getting there hopefully some end up hatching

Got a job interview today in about an hour.
My bro is just being a pain and actually caring about my chickens he wants something I can tell

Good luck with your interview. I've never been to one before, I got my job from applying online, the guy just called up one day and said, you okay to start next weekend? Okay, coolios!

Ah, brothers. My friends tend to suck up to me when they want something from me too.

Guinea: Nice! I love the first picture.
Hello Guinea Foul Gallore

Do your alpacas spit at you? I have heard this is a dominance issue and if they do it to you, you need to spit back at them. Is this true?

Yep. I have been spat on. It's not just spit, It's nothing like you've ever smelt before.
It's green and chunky, full of grass and stuff, and smells so bad that, after you regain consciousness, you have to try and think back to what actually happened. Did an airplane fly over and drop an atomic stink bomb on you or do I, in fact, get spat on by an alpaca. I never seem to be able to figure that one out
Spitting is a dominance thing to alpacas, they are very smart so know that we are not alpacas. I had someone come over and test out your theory though. She spat near the alpaca and it just looked at her lazily with a look on its face like 'WTH'. They twist their necks together and spit like crazy when having a fight or the older ones spit at the younger ones to put them back in their place. They hate the smell and taste of it themselves, after a spit fight they will stand there in a daze with their mouth hanging open, moaning, coughing and sneezing and dragging their head across the ground. People spit does not even begin to compare. They spit at people in defence. My girl from Peru (Diva) doesn't like being touched, so if you put your hand on her then she will spit at you. Now that we've had them for quite awhile they are more comfortable with us, So I hardly ever get spat at. When we first go them, I had just fed them their hay and pellet mix and was standing there watching them eat. I was standing beside one of them and, not noticing who it was just put my hand on her back. So got a huge shock when Diva's face whipped in front of mine and spat. It was even in my mouth. I was in the bathroom for a very long time scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing.
But yeah, they're fabulous animals.

This is Geneva sun-baking this morning.
Hi Christie,

Just wanted to know as you love Silkies and know all about them, I thought in getting one as a pet along with 5 Rhode Island Reds. What are the silkies like? Do they get on well with other breeds of chickens? This is probably a stupid question however can you have a silky inside the house? I love the way they look. Do you give yours a bath? They look sooooo fluffy.

Would like to add I started a new thread called "Help for the Newbies", I hope some of the other newbies like myself will feel free to ask questions on this thread and I am hoping the more experienced chicken lovers may want to join into this thread to give their valuable tips and meet new friends.

Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you.


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