Baby chick with a badly injured toe


7 Years
Mar 6, 2017
I stoked by tractor supply to buy feed today and of course stopped by to watch the babies. I noticed once was being yanked around by the others, like they were trying to tear her apart by her toe. I asked if I could buy her separately (instead if there usual minimum of four) as I'm already at capacity, and I figured any other babies would continue picking on her.

She's a silver leghorn, probably a couple days old. She's eating and drinking fine. Complains a lot (because I am not actually a momma hen no matter how hard I try!), and other than obviously favoring the leg seems to be in fine health. But it looks really nasty and I'm concerned it might cause serious problems.

Anyway. I'm going to post pictures. Warning, I personally found them disturbing. The toe is all but severed. I'm trying to keep it clean and to put very tiny amounts if neosporin with pain relief on it. I'm afraid to try icing it at all because of how young she is.

I'd really PREFER to do home treatment, but can go to the vet if it's absolutely necessary. I just don't have the funds easily available. But no one else was doing anything so I had to try.

Any advice is welcome.


  • 20210429_181754.jpg
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Poor little thing! I would clean off the toe and put non-medicated neosporin or antibacterial ointment. Put some self stick vet wrap or gauze to keep the toe “together”. Main thing is to prevent infection. Keep it clean daily and keep an eye on it. All the best. She’s probably going to be fine.
DO NOT DO ICE that will only hurt her and remove it if u can since it is dead. When u do it maybe use a tiny bit of numbing spray or gel? But keep it keep. If u do cut it off do not use shavings try wood pellets. Keep off infection like u have been .

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