Baby ducks outside?


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2024
Hello! I’m going to be ordering ducklings from Metzer Farms soon.
I live in a trailer and I won’t have much room for the babies in my bathroom bc the cats litter box is in there.
I was wondering: would 3 dayish old ducklings be fine outside in an enclosed pen?
I live in Oklahoma, and the weather has been very consistent with 90°F days and 70°F nights.
They would be right by my trailer and I do have a heating plate that I can plug in for them.
What do y’all think?
Yes, as long as they have where to get heat when they want, they will be fine. Make sure to provide enough space in case they don't want that much of heat. Also, protect them from wind if it is an open area.

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