Barn Conversion - Ideas for This Project...

I would slap some doors on there, and nail up some 2x4’s between the posts for perches. Throw some nesting boxes in there, and you have a nice open hen house. If you leave the door open all day, and rake out the poop every few months, I don’t think you’d ever smell any poo there. But I’m super cheap, you have the room to make a nice fancy coop if you’d like one, there’s so much potential here. You can have my coop, and I’ll take the elbow space off your hands :thumbsup
I never hesitate to ask(often to many) questions. ;)

lol I ask a lot of questions too. And I've seen your queries in similar threads so I wasn't prepared for those answers to be sufficient. lol

I would slap some doors on there, and nail up some 2x4’s between the posts for perches. Throw some nesting boxes in there, and you have a nice open hen house.

I'll see if I can't sketch something up to show kind of what I'm looking at doing.
I would slap some doors on there, and nail up some 2x4’s between the posts for perches. Throw some nesting boxes in there, and you have a nice open hen house. If you leave the door open all day, and rake out the poop every few months, I don’t think you’d ever smell any poo there. But I’m super cheap, you have the room to make a nice fancy coop if you’d like one, there’s so much potential here. You can have my coop, and I’ll take the elbow space off your hands :thumbsup
But he wants breeding pens.....and predator protection.
So here are some really quick pictures I sketched up over my lunch. They might not be super clear but I did try to label.

Nice concept sketches....will you make working drawings to scale?
What portions will be nighttime predator proof?
Doesn't everything other than the slab often?

How long do you plan on being there?
Seems like a lot of work, and expense, for a temporary scenario.
Nice concept sketches....will you make working drawings to scale?

Yes, when it isn't 40 degrees outside and pouring, I'll try to get some accurate-ish measurements with my 25' measuring tape and will then be able to make the drawing more to scale. The space is so large it's hard for me to guess at how large it actually is. And I'm a sucker for symmetry and breeding set-ups being the same so that you can see at a glance where everything is and quickly evaluate food and water needs. My small birds (finches and hookbills) are set up the same way in their breeding cages. lol

What portions will be nighttime predator proof?

So If I remove the center portion and then frame everything similarly to section labeled "Barn Front" above, he whole barn would be predator proof (at least so far as birds of prey, and nocturnal predators such as raccoons, opossums, etc.). Depending on the wire I use it may or not keep out rodents, snakes, or smaller predators.

Their current pen is five foot, welded wire of the standard fencing size. Their house is predator proof though and I've not lost any birds to mammal or bird of prey depredation (unless you count a very hormonal gander during breeding season). I have lost eggs and young birds to snakes but unless the coop/house is fully contained within a run, I don't see how you can keep snakes out.

Doesn't everything other than the slab often?

Yes, for the most part. And that's an excellent question. As it has been raining off and on all day, and for the first time since we moved, the area immediately in front of the barn to the house is mowed, I'll be interested to see how long the water stands. If I can, I'll take some pictures with the water standing. I was never really brave enough to wade out there much to explore when the grass was super tall for fear I'd get bitten by a snake or something. I think with the grass short the sun should dry the ground out faster. Once the whole section is mowed I can better see where the ground is high and low and see what can be done for drainage. I could build the pens up with a large quantity of wood chips, or dig a drainage ditch to get the water to run off.

How long do you plan on being there? Seems like a lot of work, and expense, for a temporary scenario.

Well we've been there over a year. I have yet to be in a place less than four years since I was 18. And moving was generally chose by a significant other at the time. Currently I'm happy with the house and have no intention of moving any time soon. Of course you never really know what life throws your way.

A friend just sent me this link earlier:

Which isn't as large, but certainly is easier to put up. Of course the number of recommended birds will be totally wrong and I'm not in love with the coop design either. I do like the durability of the pen though...

There's more listed here:

I could always purchase the runs and build my own houses based on the design I used for the one I have now.
Which isn't as large, but certainly is easier to put up. Of course the number of recommended birds will be totally wrong and I'm not in love with the coop design either. I do like the durability of the pen though...
13.7' x 13.66' x 9.5' run for $89???
Hmmmm.....find that hard to believe.
Nice frame work tho.
It would still need HC to exclude rodents and snakes.

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