Barred Plymouth Rock - Rooster?


Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Mar 9, 2019
So... this young one, Salt is 3 months old. Definitely the biggest of my flock. The comb and waddle is
bigger than the other's. I've also included a picture of Pepper. Is it true that Barred Plymouth Rock roosters tend to be more docile?
Just based off of the barring, Salt is a cockerel and Pepper is a pullet. BPR roosters are usually quite nice, but it really just depends on the individual.

I'm out of town... my neighbor took this picture. When I get home I will post more.
Thanks! So, currently I am able to pick Salt up. He fusses at first then settles down. If I continue to do this any chance he won't be a mean rooster? I've never had a rooster. I don't want to separate him from the girls. But, I've seen what a rooster can do... not just to people but the ladies in the coop.
Thanks! So, currently I am able to pick Salt up. He fusses at first then settles down. If I continue to do this any chance he won't be a mean rooster? I've never had a rooster. I don't want to separate him from the girls. But, I've seen what a rooster can do... not just to people but the ladies in the coop.
We also incorporate our kids in holding and cuddling. Giving them treats etc helps too!

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