Barred Rock breeding with my silkies?


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2018
Hello all!
This is my first post here, and basically I have a flock of silkies with a pair of old barred rocks that live along with them. My barred rocks tend to stick to themselves and not interacr much with my silkies, but after hatching some eggs I have gotten one that is black and white with pink toes and only the normal number of toes! Could this be that my barred Rock rooster is breeding with my little silkie hens? I also have 2 silkie roosters and have gotten many nice silkies, and I have gotten the occasional smooth feathered chick but was assuming this is because I have 1 frizzle and 1 polish/silkie mixed in with the group. Any ideas?
If by black and white you mean barred then yes the barred rock is the father.
Regardless if you have a functioning rooster he will breed with any hens he can get access to.
Sometimes hens won't let certain males breed and other rooster would surely not want other roosters to breed but at times they will get the chance.
Separation is the only sure way to know he isn't breeding at least some of them.
I will try to post a photo of the newest chick that I think may be a mixed breed of the 2! Let me see what I can do :) it is black and white but not barred rock pattern, but I'm not sure why else he would have just 4 toes and all of that.
Also, do any of you guys know if barred rock silkie mixes are acrually a cool mix? I mainly breed for fun, and although I don't want to let this continue because having nice hatches is important to me I also wouldn't mind having a few cool looking mixed breeds out of it!
If your barred rock rooster is a true barred rock rooster then every chick he fathers will be barred.
If that chick isn't barred (I don't see any head spot) then he is not the father.
If your rooster is just a barred mix breed that looks like a barred rock then no telling.
I do like silkies and have had several silkie mixes but just me I don't care for the looks of any of the ones I've had.

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