Barred rock - hen or roo - now named SAM(antha)


14 Years
Mar 24, 2008
Salt Lake City / Sugarhood
** To update, almost everyone thinks this is a girl - so I have gone ahead and named the chicken Sam -- short for Samantha. **

Hi All, it's now 13.5 weeks old and STILL unclear to me whether this barred rock chick is a boy or a girl. So far, no crowing that I have heard.

Any further opinions based on the latest pic? The last round of opinions (many) were about evenly split.

Here's the latest photo (13 weeks). Note the comb has continued to develop compared to 8 weeks below, but at a slower pace, and wattles have not developed much. Body type? The tail is more upright than my other BR.

And the ones previously posted (8 weeks):

And at 3 weeks, the chick closer to the waterer.
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Here's how the votes went last time (based on the 8 week pics): OK, they were not evenly split but those first 4 roo-votes might have skewed my recollection. Mahonri - you voted pullet last time.

Thanks for indulging a first-time chicken owner with only 4 in the flock... !

steffpeck - roo
speckledhen - roo
bi0sCOmp - roo
a2ms4chickens - roo
Mahonri - pullet
lurky - not sure but, leaning pullet
silkieluvr - girly
lacymarie0526 - pullet
chickenlady - pullet
shay20 - pullet
rscrvc - pullet
coffeelady3 - pullet
CHICKEN little 1 - pullet
CindyS - hormone disorder?
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