So I got some eggs from a friend and only one of them hatched. The rooster was a lavender orpington and they have various hens but some are barred rocks. When this baby hatched, I thought for sure it was a barred rock MALE because of my research about possibilities with those two crosses sounded like it would only produce a male barred rock. However, he is looking much more like a SHE and her legs are more of a white than a yellow so I was wondering if it makes more sense that she is a cuckoo marans instead? My friend just has random barnyard mixes plus some austrolorps, barred rocks, and orpingtons.
I guess I'll know more once she's laying but we already have marans so it may be hard to tell if one is from her.
I guess I'll know more once she's laying but we already have marans so it may be hard to tell if one is from her.