barred rock pullet


5 Years
May 28, 2014
This is Apple she is about 8 weeks old. Is she a she? If she is a girl is it normal for her face to be that red
This looks like a roo to me.
The barred rock chicks have a 'double barred' gene is they are male resulting in a lighter color(more white). I just learned this and in fact it is true ( I have barred rocks and my roo is in fact whiter then then hen). I have posted a pics here. The first one is the pullet and the second one if the roo. See the color difference? Also the roo will be a big bigger.
As far as the redness, I don't know. But.. I think I might see some wattles starting to grow.

Single barred, looks pretty female. If that is a cockerel it is not a pure barred, pure barred cockerels have double barring genes and look much lighter, with less of a dark wash down the legs and thicker white bars.
I've been out voted here.

If the others say its a pullet, then I'm sure it is. I hope the pics I posted are a good comparison though. Its helpful to know the color difference trick with barred rocks.
I've been out voted here.

If the others say its a pullet, then I'm sure it is. I hope the pics I posted are a good comparison though. Its helpful to know the color difference trick with barred rocks.
Your example was certainly very useful. The color on the OP's bird looks more like pullet/impure cockerel barring at the 8 weeks age, though. They change a lot in just a few weeks and the markings become more defined with age.
The black wash on the legs is usually a good indicator of single gene barring. it tends to be faint/absent in double barred cockerels.

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