Bathtub Brooding


Apr 16, 2022
Provo, Utah
I have a bathtub that we don’t use in our bathroom, would it be suitable to use as a chick brooder with pine shavings, a heat lamp, and such? rn we just have them in a plastic bin , but it is a little small.
Yup, a bathtub is fine. I'd recommend lining it with paper towels and then putting bedding over that, so for cleanup you can just lift out the entire mess for disposal.

You will need a ventilated cover over it. I used a sheet of hardware cloth duct taped to cardboard scraps to make a frame so it wouldn't scratch up the tub.
thank you! i was worried that being in the garage would be to cold, so this will work great!

As others have said, the bathtub should be fine.

But unless your situation is highly unusual, the garage isn't too cold. Lots of us brood outdoors even in the winter.

As long as babies have their warm place to go to and aren't being chilled by cold wind, it's OK for the other end of the brooder to be cold. In fact, it helps them acclimate to live outside in due time.
What if you have an elusive rat in the garage? Can you put a brooder in the garage? I'm worried a big rat could harm the little chicks.
Yes rats can kill chicks. So if you plan on brooding in there, to be safe you'll need to fully secure the brooder (no gaps or openings wider than 1/2", nothing that can be chewed through like plastic, cardboard).

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