Bay Area BYCers!

Happy spring everyone.

Well Happy Spring to you too Happy Chooks & everyone else too. I sooooooooooo get Spring Fever far before Spring is actually here.
I am really looking forward to Walt's class next week end. Kim says we have 6 seats left. I can't imagine anyone missing out. What an opportunity. I hope we don't wear him out.....LOL
It's a cool 47 degrees here this morning, but the sky is clear and the sun is shining in Oakland.

Beautiful pictures Kelly, I've never been around snow like that before. I'm actually jealous!
It is beautiful and I love the absolute quiet and peacefulness of the snow. (and my dog loves to go romp in it with the kids) I don't love that all my fruit trees were in bloom - so there's not going to be much fruit now. And I absolutely HATE driving in it as our driveway is very steep and you slide.

My chickens are not happy campers. A couple have braved the snow to make it under the coops, but most of them are inside. At least they have the time on their hands to lay some eggs for me.
Hi! I'm thinking of ordering some ducklings from Holderread Waterfowl, the minimum order is 10 ducklings and I only need about 3 (I *want* 10, but that would be duckie craziness), would anyone be interested in sharing an order? I'm in the SF East Bay Area and would be willing to drive in about a 30- 45 minute radius from Concord, CA or Richmond, CA (live in one, work in the other, so both are convenient) to meet you and deliver ducklings.
Here's the breed list:
OR, if anyone in the Bay Area has black or silver Runner ducklings for sale, that would be great, also!
Hi! I'm thinking of ordering some ducklings from Holderread Waterfowl, the minimum order is 10 ducklings and I only need about 3 (I *want* 10, but that would be duckie craziness), would anyone be interested in sharing an order? I'm in the SF East Bay Area and would be willing to drive in about a 30- 45 minute radius from Concord, CA or Richmond, CA (live in one, work in the other, so both are convenient) to meet you and deliver ducklings.
Here's the breed list:
OR, if anyone in the Bay Area has black or silver Runner ducklings for sale, that would be great, also!

Ilana, I literally just placed my order with Holderreads last Friday! I ordered 10 exhibition Saxony ducklings, we'll be breeding them here at our micro farm in Oakland. I'd order a few more than 3 if I were you, just because they come straight run, you don't want to end up with a bunch of drakes! Anyways, I do hope that you can find someone to split an order with.
Thanks, Jeremy! I'm starting to think I'll end up ordering the 10 myself and trying to sell any "extras". I lived in Oakland for years and miss living there! (Although I'm there for fun all the time anyway, it's not far) I'm a tad jealous of your little farm there!
We love our little piece of Oakland, we eventually plan to buy a "real" farm and move out somewhere along the Central California Coast, but Oakland is home for us now.

If you happen to have a few extra Black Runner ducklings and your order just happens to be delivered around the same time mine is (sometime in May, no exact date yet) I might be able to take a pair off your hands. Just don't tell my SO.

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