BCM chocolate egger, wellsummer olive eggers.. please be pullets


In the Brooder
Jan 5, 2023
I have 3 chicks I purchased from a local who breeds chickens, I'll give the info I know. Chicken #1 and #2 hatched out of dark brown speckled eggs from purebred BCMs hens, crossed with a multi gen black copper marans x blue marans x welsummer rooster. Chicken #3 was a green speckled egg from an olive egger hen (ancestry includes welsummer/cream legbar), crossed with a BCM x wellsummer "chocolate egger" rooster. Hatch dates are 3/2 and 3/4.

I'll update this feed as they grow, but I am really hoping they're all pullets!! As you can see 1 and 2 are very different in size. The smaller black chick is 2 days younger, but came from a larger egg.... These pics are from today so they are around 10 days old IMG_1430.jpg IMG_1426.jpg IMG_1424.jpg IMG_1437.jpg IMG_1440.jpg

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