Best Chicken Breeds to Breed for Selling?

Well that is an... interesting breed. I have never heard of them but now I have got to look into them. Good choice!
They are a beautiful Japanese breed. Their bodies are about the size of a Legbar, about 4lbs, but the tails of the rosters can reach up to 27ft long. They are best raised in warm climates like Texas, where I live. They need a place to stay with minimum risk of their tail being damaged. They are expensive to buy, even as chicks, but that is because they are so rare.

Here is a painting I made of a white Onagadori.
The Onagadori. I found a breeder with good quality Onagadoris. The only thing different about theirs is that they haven't reached 27ft long tails yet. Theirs have reached 7ft. I want to work on improving them by breeding the rooster with the longest tail.

At one point I had thought Ayam Cemanis but they have been over bred in my opinion. Now I see everyone selling them.
True Onagadori or Phoenix? I wasnt aware that true ones were in the US. Of course satsumadori got here a couple years too late for me. Also the India parrot beak asil is here
Yeah through in and line breeding that breeder knows what theyre doing to keep deformities at bay. Not so much when someone buys a few off of them and starts their own breeding. In my experience one of the firsts signs are crooked tails when the breeding gets a lil tight
Small size and poor toe circulation were mine
They are a beautiful Japanese breed. Their bodies are about the size of a Legbar, about 4lbs, but the tails of the rosters can reach up to 27ft long. They are best raised in warm climates like Texas, where I live. They need a place to stay with minimum risk of their tail being damaged. They are expensive to buy, even as chicks, but that is because they are so rare.

Here is a painting I made of a white Onagadori.
View attachment 3834959
Definitely a beautiful breed! How would you house them? They probably can’t be free ranged well so a really large run is what will be used right?
Definitely a beautiful breed! How would you house them? They probably can’t be free ranged well so a really large run is what will be used right?
Exactly. And they will have perches high enough off the ground to prevent their tail feathers from resting on the ground and getting disgusting. They will have a wooden floor in their sleeping space to keep their living area as clean as possible. The only time I would even think about free ranging them would be in the winter when the ground is too cold to be muddy and the chickens are not breeding. Then when it starts to warm up I would put them back in their pens.

I am working on having an acre of land dedicated to chickens and have the whole area fenced in and predator proofed. It will be doubled fenced, chicken wire on one layer and dog fence on the other. They will have many shelters, water sources, and places to perch and explore.
I agree with what some are saying in that its what you want. But I would also suggest looking at your area. It really depends on the market. And can fluctuate from year to year. In my area Siklie's are very popular. Also rare breeds like French Black Copper Maran's, Speckled Sussex, specifically Lavendar Orpington's (not Buff though), Ayam Cemani's (and Zombie Chicken's) sell for very crazy prices at an auction that I go to. I also compared prices for hatcheries and even those sell chick's very high. Highest I have seen is $30 for a day old chick. Legbars, Buff Orpington's, ISA Browns, Rhode Island Red, Americauna's sell for next to nothing and are found at every farm store here. Usually those are anywhere from $3-$5. Definitely look at your area. Personally I sort of met in the middle. I found a breed that I really wanted as well as one that wasn't sky high to break the bank. I also went with a smaller hatchery. Even though it was a smaller hatchery, I also knew I was taking a risk. For my rare breed I have Swedish Flower Hens. Love the coloring and size. I also have a few more rare breeds on my "WANT" list for my area, not necessarily rare to the U.S., such as Buckeye's. But that reason is more of they are good foragers, layers and a dual purpose breed. Best of luck!

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