best hatchery for salmon faverolles?

Post pictures on the Faverolles thread for advice.

Pullets vary widely in color. Type is most important. No matter what shade of salmon they should be evenly colored from head to tail. Cockerels also vary in color. Don't get hung up on color, type first. If you are really interested in the breed you may want to get a copy of the SOP.

Where would someone find a copy of the SOP?
Okay I am getting that Salmon Faverolles are LOUD? And not to get them from My Pet Chicken, MPC which is of course where I got mine? I bought blue orpingtons, Salmon Faverolles a Gold Maran, Splash Marans from them should I cancel my order?

Where did you hear that Faverolles are loud? In general mine are not. You are going to find loudmouths in any breed. MPC gets their Favs from Meyer.
I read it in the fist few pages of this post. Honestly I've been reading about egg sizes and other stuff for 2 days straight I am on brain fry! I see that they lay medium size eggs. Is that wrong too? Thanks!

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