Does anyone have recommendations on a breed for a rooster? I have a mixed flock and obviously any offspring will have the genetic characteristics of the roo as well. Any suggestions on an all around good breed for roos? Thank you.
Wyandotte Roos are my personal favorites for kindness/looks but Orpingtons are probably my favorite overall! They can end up mean (just hold it lots) but are great protectors and are pretty!
If temperament is important, get a rooster that was raised in a flock with older biddies who taught him flock manners and who respects humans, large and small.
Big blue hen has good advice! A rooster raised up in a multi generational flock under similar circumstances by a person who would cull if he hadn’t been so nice can make for a darn nice rooster.
Do check for physical symmetry, good toes and feet. Crooked toes can be hard on hen feathers. Look carefully at the beak, you want real alignment, as cross beak is a common genetic defect.
Personally, I want a rooster who is the first to see me as I approach but naturally and casually moves away from me giving me 6 feet of space.
Yes, behavior is way more important than breeds. My all time best rooster, was ugly as sin, and a mutt to boot, but he had all the boxes for a flock master checked off. Chicks, grandkids, hens, nest building, dancing, predator awareness, nary a feather out of place on the backs of my hens, fertile eggs. He kept his girls together and they hung on his every cluck.
I so agree, mine got better looking with time, by his actions...but he really was homely. I have have a new boy - he is rather dashing, fingers crossed.
I agree with how important behaviors are. It is not the only criteria I have but it is a very important one. I also do not think breed is that important of a factor in behaviors. You can get good or bad of any breed.
However, my goals do not count. It's the @CSDeVault goals that count. They have not responded so I have no idea what is important to them. If they ever do respond with what is important to them I'll likely mention your comments and that I agree with you. You are all knowledgeable, you might have breed suggestions if you know their criteria.
If @CSDeVault will tell us what they want out of the rooster (meat, eggs, colors, or such from the chicks) I could come up with suggestions. Maybe they are not hatching and just want eye candy or a protector for a free ranging flock. Knowing what hens they have would help with that. But until I know what they want I cannot answer their question.