Best rooster for a mixed flock?

Hi again! You’ve replied to a few of my posts before haha.
I’ve heard great things about wyandotte roosters, and they’re absolutely beautiful so I’ll definitely look into the breed some more. We don’t have any hens that frequently go broody, so that shouldn’t be an issue.
hi again to you as well! my wyandotte is just the sweetest boy! he is a bantam but I'm pretty sure that the standards are the same. he is very protective of his flock, but still comes up to me every morning. he crows once in a while, but when my other roo (in another coop) is crowing he likes to crow louder and louder. until he "wins". its kind f funny. but yeah! they are super pretty and sweet! its good your hens don't go broody a lot! mine sometimes do it then others join an go broody as well :(. good luck!
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If noise is an issue, I'd advise against getting a rooster entirely, especially since you don't want to hatch out eggs. I would look at other solutions if you're worried about hawks, one solution is to cover your run and provide lots of hiding places. Roosters are good at sounding the alarm but won't usually attack a predator. Yes, there are stories of roosters attacking or even killing hawks but they're the exception rather than the rule
We haven’t lost any hens yet, but with the amount of predatory birds flying over our yard every day it feels inevitable.
Same here, and why I built a run with mesh roof.
It has saved them from many hawks and few other preds.

The rest of our girls we’ve had for 2 years and none of them lay, ever.
Again, might be/been laying out in range area.

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