Bielefelder rooster over Ameraucana hens?

May 1, 2024
Hi, first time posting and first time hatching incubated eggs from my 3 Ameraucana hens and my Bielefelder rooster. They started hatching this morning, and I’m hoping to get about 10 of them. My questions are: A, can I expect them to be auto sexing? And B, anyone has any photos they can share of this mix, both chicks, adults, and eggs?

My 3 Ameraucanas were labeled as such from one of the biggest hatcheries, however only 1 out of the 3 ladies has a beard/muff. They all lay pretty teal eggs, some are a little more towards the green. Especially when I compare them with the blue eggs from my cream legbars.

I have had chickens for many years, but finally moved to a farm so I no longer have to keep it under 4 chickens! ;) I look forward to hearing from some breeders with more experience than me.

Chicks will not be autosexing, but they will be STINKIN' CUTE. These are from my second batch of Ameraucana eggs that I hatched from my flock with a Bielefelder roo.


Egg color is going to vary depending on if your Ameraucauna has two blue egg genes, or one blue, one white. You can expect either 100% of the female offspring to be green egg layers if she has double blue genes, or 50% green, 50% brown/tan if she has one blue, one white egg gene.
I guess all my 3 Ameraucaunas had 2 blue egg genes because all 8 of the hens I got from crossing them with my Bielefelder rooster are different shades of green. They are all pretty light eggs, from minty green with dark speckles, to a more olive base color with white speckles. One day a hen will lay a speckled egg and the next one without speckles. I am definitely seeing more speckles now in the spring time then I did during the winter. They started laying 1 day after my leghorn laid her first egg. Very happy with this cross breed. The hens look just like a Bielefelder hen.
Greenhaven F1 green eggs 2024.jpg

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