Big Bad Mareks


When I was growing up my Dad always told me this.

"In life there will be set backs. Sometimes you will have to take a step backward so you can move forward again. Do what you have to do so you can move forward again. Keep your eye on the prize."
Thank you. That is very true.

I'm hoping the Mareks impact on the chicks will be minimal, I know silkies are susceptible and this chick's mother and father were from the same breeder and with the amount or surprise colors and such popping up, maybe they are too closely related and maybe not as vigorous as if I had crossed birds from different lines. Next spring, who ever is left (hopefully everyone) I'll be able to cross silkies from 4 different breeders.

Lately I've been considering what my goal should be, originally it was SOP silkies, but, I've been thinking of the value in the genetics of my unvaccinated Mareks survivors even though they aren't the SOP birds I was planning to breed for. If I have many more issues with Mareks in my vaccinated silkie chicks, that will be all I need to shift my focus from SOP to breeding tougher little fluffs. If 80% if backyard flocks have some form of Mareks, then some more resilient silkies for the average backyard chicken lover will definitely have their place. It seems locally that people want funky looking chickens, wild colors, leakage is good, red combs don't matter... I can set up some breeding pens to collect and sanitize hatching eggs from that will deliver frizzle, satin, satin frizzle, silkie, and colors from light to black, chocolates, mauves, apparently I've got wheaten hiding in there and partridge as well.

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