BIG NEWS: Official Book Of BYC - Raising Chickens For Dummies


Congrats on the new book. Thanks for taking the time to help us out here on BYC as well as spark the interest of raising chickens to all those who will see your book in the library, book store and all of our personal book shelves-coffee tables and in our hands as we absorb all of your knowledge! The best part is I can tell everyone I meet that I know a FAMOUS AUTHOR!

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There is a box on the left side of the listing on Amazon where you can tell the publisher that you want to see this book available on the Kindle. I have clicked it to let them know!

That's so eggciting!

Congrats, Rob!
Thats incredible!

Thats a pretty big deal, having your name on a soon-to-be a best seller!

You should get Kimberly Willis to join. (if she hasn't already joined) That would be awsome!
Hi Everyone
Thanks for the wonderful words of congratulations. As Rob noted there are no color pictures, but hey, its still a great book. As for Kindle- books generally get on Kindle lists if requested or if they are pretty good sellers. Looks like this may soon be on Kindle.

As for having a Silkie on the cover - I agree - I love Silkies. I had them way back when I lived in the city because the neighbors didn't know they were chickens! But I think its kind of late to change the cover.

I don't have any Silkies right now- just Isa Browns, (and 1 Frizzle) and Bourbon Red Turkeys. I love seeing the Isa on the front page of the forum with chicks. I am trying to discover where one of my sneaky Isa Browns is going to lay her eggs because I have a feeling, that against all odds, she is trying to hide a clutch to sit on. She's the only hen that regularly gets out of the huge pasture my hens are allowed to roam in and comes around to the front of the barn to eat cat food and hang around my garden. Lately she only appears for a while then disappears. I haven't had the time to do a full spying session on her to see where she's going.

If the eggs are fertile it's because I added a little frizzle rooster to the flock a couple months ago. He's ugly as sin but I happened to be outside the livestock auction in a nearby town, saw him in a packed cage, and felt sorry for him. ( He was quarantined when he came here) I don't know if she stays around him enough to mate or not, she's pretty independent of the rest of the flock. Sort of like me, so I like her and tolerate her "picking" my flowers.

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