Black Copper Marans discussion thread

I finally ordered me some fbcm eggs off ebay and had ten hatch last week

Can you sex by color on them at this age. I noticed three have combs twice the size of the rest
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The barred bird in the above picture to the far left? Are we talking about the same birds? That bird has heavily feathered legs CCL don't.

It would help if you would quote what your are talking about if you are not talking about this picture then I am lost.

The poster wanted to know what the bird in the above picture on the far left was and it is NOT a CCL.
No the poster wanted to know what the bird to the far left in this photo was... because it remind the poster of the bird in the photo you keep referring to

This bird is a CCL. So are the others with crests

If you re-read marnette's post I think you will understand.....
I got my first pullet egg and I think it is from one of my two fbcm.

I can't wait until our 2 French Black Marans start laying...also looking forward to our Blue Splash Maran/Ameraucana mix's eggs. We already have white eggs from our White Leghorn, tan eggs from our Red Sex-Link, and three different shades of blue/green from our three Easter Eggers. Love the rainbow birds & eggs!
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Hey guys!! Newbie chicken owner here! I wanted to share my BCM with you since I found this thread. Her name is "Small Fry". She went broody on me about 4 weeks ago and I got some fertilized eggs from locals here. Here she is from today. She and 2 of the chicks had supervised play/exercise time outside the nest (she still has 4 more eggs that haven't hatched that I had to candle).

She was a late egg layer…. didn't start laying until this spring and we got her last June-ish. Anyone have a clue why? My EE was the same way too. Also, how often do Marans go broody? Like I said…she's just over a year old. Will she do this every year? Couple times a year? We have no roos… just her, the EE, and the chicks.
Chickens need around 14 hours of light to lay. Your pullets probably got to point of lay when there wasn't enough light.
Chickens need around 14 hours of light to lay. Your pullets probably got to point of lay when there wasn't enough light.

Ah. Makes sense. During the winter they were living in the garage since the dogs kept breaking into the coop area until we got the new coop up this spring.
Hey everyone. I'm new to this thread and chickens in general. :) we have a friend who raises BCM's and Rhodebars. He hatched us 3 BCMs and 2 Rhodebars. The two Rhodebars were barred with dots on their heads so I was pleased to have two pullets. Unfortunately we lost 2 BCM's and 1 rhodebar to the dog. :( I have one of each left pictured below. However, I think you'll agree the Rhodebar pullet seems to be a BCM cockerel! I know he keeps them in separate pens but the only explanation I can think of is that I somehow ended up with a cross. They are about 15 weeks old. Is it safe to say the other BCM is a pullet? She doesn't have any comb at all yet. Is that normal? I really love the BCM's and am excited to learn more about them. Until then please excuse my ignorance. :)

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