Black Copper Marans discussion thread's definitely nice to know you have some that don't need quite as much work. My Jersey Giants are those birds for me. When I'm feeling frustrated, I go hang with my Giants for a bit. It always pumps me back up and makes the others not see as daunting of a task to move forward. :)
My chicks hatched. I have 3 blue and 2 black out of 12 eggs. Breeder said next time I am in her area I can get a few more eggs since I had a low hatch rate. One of the chicks has severe sprawled legs. I currently have leg cuffs on it. Is this common for this breed or a defect? I will band it to monitor. I am not breeding for show but would like to breed as best as possible toward SOP with what I have. I got these for eggs mostly.
My chicks hatched. I have 3 blue and 2 black out of 12 eggs. Breeder said next time I am in her area I can get a few more eggs since I had a low hatch rate. One of the chicks has severe sprawled legs. I currently have leg cuffs on it. Is this common for this breed or a defect? I will band it to monitor. I am not breeding for show but would like to breed as best as possible toward SOP with what I have. I got these for eggs mostly.


as for the leg issue there might be several reasons but can happen to any breed. vitamins in water can help as well. check this link:
Hi all. I apologize if this has previously been asked. I am hatching BCM out for the second time. Got eggs from a reputable breeder. She only has BCM and was told they are Greenfire lines. Anyway a yellow chick just hatched. All other chicks look like standard BCMs. Someone told me this may be a a Wheaten? Also said it is sexable at this age? Any truth to either of these statements? Not sure what to think. Any input is welcome.
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Hi all. I apologize if this has previously been asked. I am hatching BCM out for the second time. Got eggs from a reputable breeder. She only has BCM and was told they are Greenfire lines. Anyway a yellow chick just hatched. All other chicks look like standard BCMs. Someone told me this may be a a Wheaten? Also said it is sexable at this age? Any truth to either of these statements? Not sure what to think. Any input is welcome.

Care to say where the eggs came from ?

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