blood pressure

Mine usually runs about 117/75.

I had a dentist appointment last Wednesday and I have a HUMONGOUS fear of dentists that ramps up my anxiety. They take your BP at each visit and in the past my BP has been up over 170/100 on several occasions there. So there I am in the waiting room practicing my breathing breath for 5 seconds, hold 2 seconds, then out for 5 seconds, in...out...over and over.... 😁 They call me in and I'm not even listening to the "how are you today" banter still concentrating on my breathing as I sat in the chair. Out comes the BP checker, the lady puts it on my arm and amazingly I am not that stressed. I didn't even want to look when it finished, but I was proud of myself, it was only 129/78! That is amazing considering my anxiety over dentristry. 🤣

Oh and I didn't have any cavities!! :yesss:
My last one a couple of months ago was 110 over 72.

I've had a couple of issues in the past with low blood pressure. Drink more water!!
My Dad had low BP in his middle age and later years and was on meds to raise his BP for decades. Eventually the meds stopped working even with med adjustments and they couldn't keep his heart rate up enough. Low BP is what killed him. Usually its the high BP that kills!
My Dad had low BP in his middle age and later years and was on meds to raise his BP for decades. Eventually the meds stopped working even with med adjustments and they couldn't keep his heart rate up enough. Low BP is what killed him. Usually its the high BP that kills!
Wow, you're right. You don't hear much about low blood pressure being fatal. So very sorry! :hugs
I'm sorry about your dad. Blood pressure problems can be challenging, even with all the meds until they get a person on the right one. My BP tends to run low. I eat a ton of salt - prefer salt over sweet actually. Chips over M&Ms any day.

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