Blue Bresse

I also got mine through RBA directly from GFF. I won one of their auctions that was all bresse and I have 2 Roos that turned out to be isbars. I will post some picks of my guys later. I would love to see pics of your guys.
Maybe they put the Isbars in as extras for warmth. I'll take more photos this weekend when I have the time to chase after them in the chicken yard like paparazzi!
Sounds good. : ) I'll let you know when they start laying eggs and we can make some plans then. It'll probably be sometime in March til they're laying.
Just collected my first two eggs today! I noticed two hens and a rooster REALLY checing out a nesting box this morning and then found the two tonight--yay! And, they're just a week shy of 5 months old so they're living up to what I've read about them starting to lay early at 4-1/2 months on the average. I forgot to take photos of the guys, but I'll do that this week if there's still good light when I get home or I'll make sure to this weekend.
we need to talk im here in Idaho and will be ordering four dozen fertilized eggs to hatch in march of Blue,Black, and white.

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Mine probably won't be cranking the eggs out until after March, but then I could have eggs available when they are laying regularly. I have five hens-1 blue, 1 black and 3 splash. I'll be keeping 1 each of black, blue and splash for my roosters and not keeping the colors separated. I may need to keep the splash and blue roosters separated from the group so I'll have more of the blue and black hatching out from the eggs otherwise there will be more of the splash than I'd like. I really want more of the blue. Who are you ordering your eggs from?
From sunbird farms they exchange genetics with Greenfire farms. If you can I would like to speak to you.
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Here is a few pics of my blue pullet. I also really like the splash.


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