Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

okay ya'll... can anyone help me with genders on my blrw chicks? every time I think one is female, it's face turns pink. I am not sure if I have any girls lol, they all have some pinkness to the comb and wattle now at 7 weeks old.

this one had small wattles and feathered fast, even grew a nice fluffy tail so I've been saying girl. but now it's getting pink face... male ?

obvious male, even the skin around the eyes is red, blue laced

not the best photo, but 2 splash males I think(?)
and a blue male whose face is cut off

are there any females in this picture?

I am hoping this splash is female... some pink is coming in, but her C & W is not as developed/big, what do you think? could a She have 'some' pink at 7 weeks?

same girl (purple2x leg band)
and the blue girl next to her is the only one I'm 100% sure is a girl! although I do see some pink in the wattle now that I zoom in on it. ugg help

at least I will have my choice of the best male, lol! what is it with me and all males??
but I really hope I get at least a couple girls!
So hear are 6 of my new BLRW (my 1st of this breed). I have 13 total, all looking similar to these 6, the 1st two pics are same 3 and the last is a different set of 3. Im trying to figure out if they are splash or blues, i dont think any are blacks and really im trying to figure out the difference between the 3 as well. I mainly have black copper marans and Isa Browns so this is my new venture.

Any thoughts on these would b great. Is there a chance I got all 13 splash? That isnt quite what I wanted. I do need to sell a few of these, I have a neighbor who wants what I dont but just not sure how to decide which to keep and which to sell. At this point it is to hard to tell gender so i guess i will keep a few of the lighter and darkest couple and move the rest.

what do all you experts think?

Some have a darker head and grey/blue stripe down their back, some are overall lighter and then just 1 or two have the dark stripe down back and a darker head.

thanks for looking. :)
So hear are 6 of my new BLRW (my 1st of this breed). I have 13 total, all looking similar to these 6, the 1st two pics are same 3 and the last is a different set of 3. Im trying to figure out if they are splash or blues, i dont think any are blacks and really im trying to figure out the difference between the 3 as well. I mainly have black copper marans and Isa Browns so this is my new venture.

Any thoughts on these would b great. Is there a chance I got all 13 splash? That isnt quite what I wanted. I do need to sell a few of these, I have a neighbor who wants what I dont but just not sure how to decide which to keep and which to sell. At this point it is to hard to tell gender so i guess i will keep a few of the lighter and darkest couple and move the rest.

what do all you experts think?

Some have a darker head and grey/blue stripe down their back, some are overall lighter and then just 1 or two have the dark stripe down back and a darker head.

thanks for looking. :)
I'm over here drooling. I hope the glw my MIL got me turn out pretty like these ladies and gents and aren't hatchery stock. She wont tell me what she paid but they came from a "breeder" so we shall see.

Oh well. If they are I have an excuse to get true exhibition and I'll just get some BLRW hatching eggs from one of y'all! Or a trio.
Here is some up close photos of a few of the BLRW I hatched out a few weeks ago. I'm looking for comments on their combs and possibly if anyone can guess sex. I have a good idea with the fast feathering but one is questionable. Also wondering if any of the darker ones are blue. I had one hatch on Sunday that is really dark compared to the others which I'm sure is a black laced. Just hatched 3 more this am, got another splash in that batch.
Any comments at all is appreciated.

Chick #1

Chick #2

Chick #3

Chick #4

Chick #5

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Here is some up close photos of a few of the BLRW I hatched out a few weeks ago. I'm looking for comments on their combs and possibly if anyone can guess sex. I have a good idea with the fast feathering but one is questionable. Also wondering if any of the darker ones are blue. I had one hatch on Sunday that is really dark compared to the others which I'm sure is a black laced. Just hatched 3 more this am, got another splash in that batch.
Any comments at all is appreciated.

Chick #1

Chick #2

Chick #3

Chick #4

Chick #5

loving my birdies!! What do you all think?
these 3 are so beautiful!

Here is some up close photos of a few of the BLRW I hatched out a few weeks ago. I'm looking for comments on their combs and possibly if anyone can guess sex. I have a good idea with the fast feathering but one is questionable. Also wondering if any of the darker ones are blue. I had one hatch on Sunday that is really dark compared to the others which I'm sure is a black laced. Just hatched 3 more this am, got another splash in that batch.
Any comments at all is appreciated.

Chick #1
Chick #2
Chick #3
Chick #4
Chick #5
these are my GUESSES..........

chick 1 - I am 50/50 on this one... there is some redness that might indicate cockerel, but the black skin color of the comb has always turned into a pullet for me
chick 2 - pullet
chick 3 - cockerel
chick 4 - pullet
chick 5 - pullet

2 and 3 are splash, the rest look blue but I can't see their body feathering so hard to tell if they're black or blue. #4 might be black? can't see

its easier to tell by about 8 weeks... how old are they now?
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I'm sorry I didnt respond to all the gender responses on my chicks earlier too, I appreciated all of them!

I think I have 3 pullets of 14, I want to single them out and take better photos for your analysis but have been so busy...

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