Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

If so, I guess they'll get more Blue as they get older? At least one for sure as the roo was a splash and the mamma was a black...should be a blue laced chick... The other was sold to me as BLRW so I'm assuming it could be Blue, Black, or Splash (definitely doesn't look splash though...)
okay ya'll... can anyone help me with genders on my blrw chicks? every time I think one is female, it's face turns pink. I am not sure if I have any girls lol, they all have some pinkness to the comb and wattle now at 7 weeks old.

this one had small wattles and feathered fast, even grew a nice fluffy tail so I've been saying girl. but now it's getting pink face... male ?

obvious male, even the skin around the eyes is red, blue laced

not the best photo, but 2 splash males I think(?)
and a blue male whose face is cut off

are there any females in this picture?

I am hoping this splash is female... some pink is coming in, but her C & W is not as developed/big, what do you think? could a She have 'some' pink at 7 weeks?

same girl (purple2x leg band)
and the blue girl next to her is the only one I'm 100% sure is a girl! although I do see some pink in the wattle now that I zoom in on it. ugg help

at least I will have my choice of the best male, lol! what is it with me and all males??
but I really hope I get at least a couple girls!
okay ya'll... can anyone help me with genders on my blrw chicks? every time I think one is female, it's face turns pink. I am not sure if I have any girls lol, they all have some pinkness to the comb and wattle now at 7 weeks old.

this one had small wattles and feathered fast, even grew a nice fluffy tail so I've been saying girl. but now it's getting pink face... male ?

obvious male, even the skin around the eyes is red, blue laced

not the best photo, but 2 splash males I think(?)
and a blue male whose face is cut off

are there any females in this picture?

I am hoping this splash is female... some pink is coming in, but her C & W is not as developed/big, what do you think? could a She have 'some' pink at 7 weeks?

same girl (purple2x leg band)
and the blue girl next to her is the only one I'm 100% sure is a girl! although I do see some pink in the wattle now that I zoom in on it. ugg help

at least I will have my choice of the best male, lol! what is it with me and all males??
but I really hope I get at least a couple girls!

i'll cross fingers for you. so far I've had 4 chicks from my pair. all 4 are cockerels.
Farmer Viola

I have a blr bantam that has had bright red w and c since age 7 weeks also. She is now 9 1/2 weeks. I thought for sure this MEAN Bully who had to be separated and who Honks every morning was a Roo. Had it sexed last week and it's a young pullet all the way. Yay! I see a white ring at the base of your light chicks neck in the last two pics as mine has and read online that is a female trait. Good Luck! 8)

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Farmer Viola

I have a blr bantam that has had bright red w and c since age 7 weeks also. She is now 9 1/2 weeks. I thought for sure this MEAN Bully who had to be separated and who Honks every morning was a Roo. Had it sexed last week and it's a young pullet all the way. Yay! I see a white ring at the base of your light chicks neck in the last two pics as mine has and read online that is a female trait. Good Luck! 8)

what do you mean by 'had it sexed'?
Farmer Viola

I have a blr bantam that has had bright red w and c since age 7 weeks also. She is now 9 1/2 weeks. I thought for sure this MEAN Bully who had to be separated and who Honks every morning was a Roo. Had it sexed last week and it's a young pullet all the way. Yay! I see a white ring at the base of your light chicks neck in the last two pics as mine has and read online that is a female trait. Good Luck! 8)

I will bet you a NICKLE that is a roo......pullets don't get pink till they are nearing point of lay..... 5-6 months would be the earliest you would see a comb in a pullet.

Those solid wing feathers are another key to sexing them.... only the roos have that much SOLID on the wings.
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Shall be interesting to say the least....I'll keep you updated! 8) Took her to local feed store when buying food and asked their opinion on sex since she was to little to sex when I got her at @2 1/2 days old since She's a bantam. Said no doubt after checking her you know what she was a young pullet. So fingers crossed they were right! 8)
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these are my 11 chicks. I stopped worrying about which is a pullet or roo. I just hope I get some good looking birds.
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Farmer Viola

I have a blr bantam that has had bright red w and c since age 7 weeks also. She is now 9 1/2 weeks. I thought for sure this MEAN Bully who had to be separated and who Honks every morning was a Roo. Had it sexed last week and it's a young pullet all the way. Yay! I see a white ring at the base of your light chicks neck in the last two pics as mine has and read online that is a female trait. Good Luck! 8)


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