Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I have a gold laced Wyandotte that is 8 months old, she still hangs with her mum. If you wait until dusk, when they are screaming for her to go back to the brooder and pop them up on the perch with her, they will get the idea. My silkie babies roost with the big guys, really cute, the roo cuddles them under him. Unless you have a specific reason for separating them, I would just let them be, momma will sort them out.
Okay, my only problem is my welsummer hen is very territorial and gets very aggressive to new comers, so much so that when my GLW roo, (the father) died recently she has stated cocking and taking on his role, so I don't know whether she would try and kill them, I will have to see
Okay, my only problem is my welsummer hen is very territorial and gets very aggressive to new comers, so much so that when my GLW roo, (the father) died recently she has stated cocking and taking on his role, so I don't know whether she would try and kill them, I will have to see

In that case , you may be better to watch them and see what they do without your intervention . But stay close in case you need to step in and break them up. At 8-9 weeks the chicks may give up and go to bed without her.
Hello everybody. I just received some horrible news while I'm at work. My neighbor's dog came in my backyard and killed 13 of my chickens. Some meat birds and some of my blue laced red wyandottes. My bestfriend got home to the attack. Chased him down the alley way but couldn't catch him. I won't get off work for two more hours. The cops came because my friend was chasing the dog with my gun. They made a report and I just spoke with the officer who was at the scene. This sucks. I don't know which ones were killed. For sure my foleys are dead.
My neighbors tried to make themselves the victims by saying the rooster crowing disturbed them. That some of my chickens were sometimes in the alley way. The officer explained to them that their dog went in my property and killed my chickens. He told them that by the look of my property he thinks they were my pets just like his dogs. I have a puppy jack russell terrier I'm responsible for. I'm always were I can see him and control him need be.
This is such dreadful news. 2 x dogs killed all of my slw in my grow out pen in February . I felt so helpless . What an absolute waste . The dog owner in my case, had to reimburse me for the birds, but that was cold comfort. All you can do is go home and pick up the pieces. Tend your surviving birds and start over. I hope that the law in your town, put the wind up your neighbor . The police would do nothing here, but the council charged him under the " loose dog act ", I hope that things are not as dire as you think, and perhaps your friends here will rally together and help you restock your lovey blrw.

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