Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

This Easter Egger appears to be a red/gold laced blue, which is interesting because I was doing more reading and the various sites I found indicated this color wasn't possible. Not just in Wyandottes, but in any chicken. Sure looks like it might be though.

The chest looks like just red/gold feathers though, anyone have any ideas on the possible genetics here? Is it really red/gold laced blue (splash?) or is there something else going on that just gives it this appearance?

The original thread is at
I should have clarified... the variety may be possible with a random mishmash of heterozygous traits, but it is not one that will breed true. also the true dark blue (solid blue not patterned) develops a darker blue edging, so possibly something is modifying the dark blue edging to a brown, like the dun/khaki gene. it's hard to say for sure, since it looks like the image is gold-enhanced, possibly due to the lighting. but coloration like this is typically found in mixed breeds. I'm sure attempts to duplicate it have been made, but true-breeding results are doubtful.

I also have a easter egger roo with similar coloration, but have yet to ever produce another like him. he's roughly 1/4 silkie, 1/4 who-knows-what and 1/2 bbs Ameraucana.
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Did y'all have fun today??????.... I think I read 80 posts on here today LOL.

Well back at the Double D Ranch.....

I built 2 quick pens today going to move all my new Blue and Black BLRW pullets in with roos maybe Wednesday, both roos are blue. I hope I can actually HATCH some babies in some VOLUME this year
I have some nice girls to work with too. Super excited to see what I get from these new girls.

Anybody that wants to chime in on this please..... When I use a black pullet with blue is that OK? will the lacing get too wide? I am pretty sure I should NOT put them with my Black roo right? I don't think that would help anything since they both have wide lacing. I was growing them out for my splash roo but he died on me for no good reason.
I am going to grow out some new roos this summer if I get some chicks.
Did y'all have fun today??????.... I think I read 80 posts on here today LOL.

Well back at the Double D Ranch.....

I built 2 quick pens today going to move all my new Blue and Black BLRW pullets in with roos maybe Wednesday, both roos are blue.   I hope I can actually HATCH some babies in some VOLUME this year :fl   I have some nice girls to work with too.  Super excited to see what I get from these new girls. 

Anybody that wants to chime in on this please..... When I use a black pullet with blue is that OK?  will the lacing get too wide?  I am pretty sure I should NOT put them with my Black roo right?  I don't think that would help anything since they both have wide lacing.  I was growing them out for my splash roo but he died on me for no good reason.  :hit   I am going to grow out some new roos this summer if I get some chicks. :th
yay! Normal people are here!!!! I need some eggs! No pressure!
Did y'all have fun today??????.... I think I read 80 posts on here today LOL.

Well back at the Double D Ranch.....

I built 2 quick pens today going to move all my new Blue and Black BLRW pullets in with roos maybe Wednesday, both roos are blue. I hope I can actually HATCH some babies in some VOLUME this year
I have some nice girls to work with too. Super excited to see what I get from these new girls.

Anybody that wants to chime in on this please..... When I use a black pullet with blue is that OK? will the lacing get too wide? I am pretty sure I should NOT put them with my Black roo right? I don't think that would help anything since they both have wide lacing. I was growing them out for my splash roo but he died on me for no good reason.
I am going to grow out some new roos this summer if I get some chicks.

yes, black and blue together is fine... the wide lacing may indicate incomplete lacing, but should improve with the right roo.

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