Bow Legged Duck - HELP!

My little buddy was attacked by a cat and injured pretty badly on the neck. Being a newbie, I assumed his injuries were the reason he stopped walking and half his body stopped. He would even rollover unable to stand up. After a vet visit and antibiotics...the other two that are the same age are 5 times his size. I began giving him niacin and have seen drastic improvement but still not 100 percent. His legs also spread apart. The vet said to keep him inside and from doing things. However, I have found that like any rehabilitation, exercise is best. But I'm still battling the bow leg.
My little buddy was attacked by a cat and injured pretty badly on the neck. Being a newbie, I assumed his injuries were the reason he stopped walking and half his body stopped. He would even rollover unable to stand up. After a vet visit and antibiotics...the other two that are the same age are 5 times his size. I began giving him niacin and have seen drastic improvement but still not 100 percent. His legs also spread apart. The vet said to keep him inside and from doing things. However, I have found that like any rehabilitation, exercise is best. But I'm still battling the bow leg.
I read somewhere to tie the legs close together. Thay seems cruel but maybe useful??? Answer on that?

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